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came back to my car after footy on saturday an some little thievin f00ker had put a brick through my window, robbed my phone and took all the money out of my wallet!! They had a go at openin my door with a screwdriver too, left some nasty marks on the paint. it happened in the middle of the day too in the middle of a housing estate.it makes me think, i've got a standard alarm on my car and i've only heard it go off once, what does it take to make them go off?? they cant be all that good if someone puts a brick through the window and it doesnt go off



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dunno if any of you lot know where shotton is?? thats where i was anyway.

as for my phone, it was plugged into the fag lighter on charge and it was kinda on they floor as clsoe to the seat as it would go, thats probably what they spotted first. my wallet was left in the door pocket

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i wouldnt really say my wallet was on show coz it was in the door pocket, the phone was on show but not blatant, they must have been havin a good nose through the window to spot it anyway.


who's your mate wax?? i might know him. i was playin footy near the shotton lane social club, its kinda near b&q

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I recently got locked out of my car by my dodgy central locking, as in ive got the key in the lock but its jammed. After looking for a brick to put a window thru with no success we just cut the rear window seal with a penknife ripped it all the way round, pulled the glass out. Unlocked the car got in and drove off.


Funny thing is noone even asked what we were doing. Escorts aint the hardest of cars to break into id seriously reccomend upgrading the alarm system tho.

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