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Following from Aaron being a daddy

Lee R

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is it fair to christen a baby? or put it into any other religeon?


I think not. My little girl was blessed, no god parents , but they were called 'special friends'. Her life was blessed but she remains religeon-less.


Therefor she has a clean slate and when shes old enough to choose, she can, afterall, its her decision, not mine X(


obviously I'll influence her that religeon is man made up total shite, but if she chooses different, thats her choice :thumb:




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I was disgusted to hear the other night on the radio that some selfish, un intelligent tart had converted to Islaam and had her 1yr old, 2 yr old n 4 yr old circumsized :vangry: :vangry: :vangry: :nutter: :nutter:


Forced religion aint fair on people not old enough to decide for themselves, its got to be aint it ?(

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I think its good to Christian it. He/She can still choose to be apart of something when able to make a sensibly decision. You cant turn back time and do it later (apart from baptism i think is the same for adults)


Basically, better done and regretted, then never done and regretted.


By not getting her christiand, your taking away something she may regret later in life!

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is it fair to christen a baby? or put it into any other religeon?


I think not. My little girl was blessed, no god parents , but they were called 'special friends'. Her life was blessed but she remains religeon-less.


Therefor she has a clean slate and when shes old enough to choose, she can, afterall, its her decision, not mine X(


obviously I'll influence her that religeon is man made up total shite, but if she chooses different, thats her choice :thumb:






These days a christening is just an excuse for a good lash up after. I pity any child indoctrinated with the dogma of any religiln, and it seems to me that most religions are intransigent and cause more grief in the world than virtually anything except Foxdie :P .


I think you're doing the right thing, but make sure she gets to learn about the various faiths around the world so that she can make a choice, or reject them all, based on her own knowledge :thumb:

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I was disgusted to hear the other night on the radio that some selfish, un intelligent tart had converted to Islaam and had her 1yr old, 2 yr old n 4 yr old circumsized  :vangry:  :vangry:  :vangry:  :nutter:  :nutter:


Forced religion aint fair on people not old enough to decide for themselves, its got to be aint it  ?(


Didn't Pat Sharpe do that to his 13yr old son?! 8o ?(

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