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Enough forum 'schpeil' pack the fuk in with all the 'look at me i think its funny to take the Pee out of people' as no1 thinks its funny as i've got about 30 PMs here sayin sumit different!



But you forgot to mention that you and its mother arn't exactly in a happy long term comitted relationship. Have no home of your own and nothing to offer this baby other than your parents helping you out? You even sure the babys yours?


yes we are a happy long term commited couple.

no home of our own? didnt know there were rules to having babies? SORRY!

nothing to offer? all a baby needs is alot of love,care,attention and it will be getting ALOT more than that


i have really took this to heart you heartless :censored: i cant believe you can speak like this to anybody, ESPESH SUM1 you'v never met before!!!!!!!!!

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i thought paul was ok till this, some stupid posts, which are not neccesary at all,


a new one being born is a huge step for the mother and father :) and also the proudest moment or there lives,


i hope it all goes well for ya aaron m8y :) need any help the Evo family is here to support u, give advice etc :)


simonez :cheers: :thumb: :cheers:

Edited by Simonez
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i hope it all goes well for ya aaron m8y :) need any help the Evo family is here to support u, give advice etc :)


simonez  :cheers:  :thumb:  :cheers:

oh im gona need advice...BIG STYLE lol just got a TXT from her shes gone and bought a mountain books and i quote

"so we can have a night in and learn how to do everything"

LOL txt back sayin

"i can read a page a night and still have time to read the bible before its due" :roll:

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i hope it all goes well for ya aaron m8y :) need any help the Evo family is here to support u, give advice etc :)


simonez  :cheers:  :thumb:  :cheers:

oh im gona need advice...BIG STYLE lol just got a TXT from her shes gone and bought a mountain books and i quote

"so we can have a night in and learn how to do everything"

LOL txt back sayin

"i can read a page a night and still have time to read the bible before its due" :roll:



haha :D there are some dads around on evo, sure they will help m8y :) i added u to msn btw that ok m8 ?


sim :cheers: :drunk: :cheers:

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im actually disgusted by those comments


dont worry about it mate just do your stuff and do well for ya girl and things will be fine dont take to heart what he said and you can laugh at the fact the sad cnut has actually taken time out of there dull existance to try and put a damper your happiness :tired:


im made up for yot mate, and wish you and your lady all the best

Edited by bennybull
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yet again thanks to the 99% of ya's for ya comments, im not saying i cant take a joke, if 1 of the lads came to me and said he got his lass pregaz i'd say sumit like kev said 'oh unlucky' its what you expect! but knowing they are kidin, im one of the biggest kidders around, just need to meet me lol internet is wank for emotions haha
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..and not that I could care less about off the cuff comments between members of a MESSAGE BOARD, but with circumstances like this, you have to at least bare in mind that people have opinions. I know couples who have been together for years, married, built homes and are not able to have babies.. then they hear that some young couple, barely known each other 5 minutes and are barely able to take care of themselves go and have one accidently - obviously, they're gonna be upset when they hear this. I'm not saying this is the case, but its definitely a reallity. And yeah, its not your fault and you don't need to hear it when you've got this good news..


I'm just saying we're all raised differently in different environments and you can't expect everyone to see this as a good thing. Just my opinion.. but congrats mate :cheers:

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