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well this was my corsa c? my first one i know its not a escort but still!


i was driving along quite happy and all of a sudden as i went round corner i couldnt manage to make it round lost ontrol swerved three times and then the passenger panicked nd puled the handbrake on it flipped twice and then rolled!


all i could think bout was if my phone was ok to call my mum!


and how my £70 jeans were ruined but at least we know we were lucky if it had been 50 yards up the road id be dead as we would of landed in the prongs of a JCB!




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Guest gti.tom



"All of a sudden as I went round a corner, I couldnt make it round"


Please be sure to hand your driving licence in at your local police station within the next 4 hours.


"then the passenger panicked nd puled the handbrake on it flipped twice and then rolled!"


Err right, your insurance company will love that one.


But overall, the jeans, what a disgrace. I'd seriously consider, next time you approach a corner, stopping and changing into cheaper clothing. Possibly sellotaping the passengers arms together as well. You can never be to sure. :thumb:

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"All of a sudden as I went round a corner, I couldnt make it round"


Please be sure to hand your driving licence in at your local police station within the next 4 hours.


"then the passenger panicked nd puled the handbrake on it flipped twice and then rolled!"


Err right, your insurance company will love that one.


But overall, the jeans, what a disgrace. I'd seriously consider, next time you approach a corner, stopping and changing into cheaper clothing. Possibly sellotaping the passengers arms together as well. You can never be to sure. :thumb:



i was going 40! and yes i spend to much on jeans and yes i am never takin that passenger in the car again!

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yep i must admit when i went round the roundabout and ended up mounting it :blush: i was going about 10mph.... it wasnt due to speed it was due to dodgy tyres X( totally road legal but no grip :(


Luckily stewart never reached for the handbrake... thats was scary that when it nearly flipped :(


and i will back Kirst up all the way, you would not believe how slow we were actually going, the tyres where that Bad plus the road was a little wet if i remember rightly.


that is a dangerous thing as a passenger to pull the handbrake.... glad your ok though :thumb:

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