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Mapping in swindon?


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What could possible need mapping on an RS2K???


Just get a good service & tune.

Personaly i like "Advanced cars" in swindon, always been good (and honest) with me.


presactly! :thumb:


oh and graeme.... your a fraudulent (sp), crime breaking cunt and if you dont like a bit of banter, go fuck off :thumb:

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What could possible need mapping on an RS2K???


Just get a good service & tune.

Personaly i like "Advanced cars" in swindon, always been good (and honest) with me.


presactly! :thumb:


oh and graeme.... your a fraudulent (sp), crime breaking cunt and if you dont like a bit of banter, go fuck off :thumb:


and you sound like a spineless Cnut whos in need of a good slap :thumb:


i ask a simple Fcuking question, like i have many times before and i get the Pee taken out of me. had enough tbh, most of you are a bunch of tossers.


thanks RS2000 where abouts are advanced cars? as i have not heard of them? even if they can just look the car over and it does not feel like a 170bhp car. doesnt feel any quicker than a VTR imo

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rofl @ everyone still making digs and comments lol...


he explained what happened and about 4/5 others said they did similar things yet they still get no abuse and he got it even more... he payed the money back + extra and apolagised... yet still got abuse


he ignores all this and still hangs around then gets a new car and finally starts turing his life around and you all take the Pee and dont believe him about how he aquired it and make digs about his dad helping him and about how its wrong... yet how many of YOU would have said no if your dad offered to buy you a RS2000??? i know i wouldnt .... yet he still hangs around..


then he asks for help on something and you blatently take the Pee and rob even goes as far as to be a out right T*at to him about stuff thats been and gone and has supposedly been sorted... yet HE needs to lighten up about even MORE abuse and Pee taking thrown his way...


fcuk me what is this place coming too....


i know nothing about escorts which was why i joined here... so if someone told me my car needed remapping id have asked the exact same question... but would i have got this kind of abuse even if it is only "banter"..... no i wouldnt.... and neither would most other people...

Edited by Woogie
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