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Ice Finally Chosen...


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righty finally got round to sorting out what i wanted and am going to order these tomorrow if its all any good


whats everyone think of these





Infitnity Kappa 60.7cs 17cm Components (not 100% sure if these will fit in door yet)






Alpine: SWR -1241D






JBL: GTO-75.4 (for components and 6x9's)








JBL: P953 - 6"x9"






JL Audio TR690-TXI ^2 x 9"




kinda leaning towards the JL ones even if they are less power due to them being JL and a better make



so a grand total of


£429.96 with JBL 6x9




£474.96 with JL 6x9


on a side note i already have my sub box and amp so dont need them :)


what ya think?

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Alpine SWR-1242 £39.99


try www.lowcostcaraudio.co.uk



and ROFL at 85 or 130 for 6x9's FPMSL



well i actually cant find that sub on that website


there is a SWL 1242


which isnt as good as the SWR -1242 supposedly...


tbh i was looking for opions on the 6 x 9's so thanks for laughing at it considering i know absolutely nothing about stuff....


the £85 ones are cheaper but the £135 are better quality hence not being sure which.... but the input is much appreciated :thumb:


and andy.... not sure yet

Edited by Woogie
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the best thing to do is go to halfords and play around on "The Wall of Sound"



find out what sonds good together.



a higher price doesnt mean it will sound better, as everyone has different tastes. halfords sell some sony 6x9's, £60 odd and they sound great to me.



dont buy from halfords tho. just play.

Edited by bluliz
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the best thing to do is go to halfords and play around on "The Wall of Sound"



find out what sonds good together.



a higher price doesnt mean it will sound better, as everyone has different tastes. halfords sell some sony 6x9's, £60 odd and they sound great to me.



dont buy from halfords tho. just play.



are you actually being serious rob... that wont do anythin as


1. they dont set it up right at all...

2. he wont be able to play the music he listens to

3. its an open showroom not a car so it will always sound crap,.....

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If you're prepared to spend £135 on 6x9's then look into getting Vibe QB-69's...Awesomeness in a speaker and they're coming down in price now so I'm sure you can get em less than £135.


Good choice with the Infinity Kappa speakers for your door. They will fit if you get the adapter plate. When you fit them tho, look on the reverse of your door card and you'll see little plastic bits that hold the speaker grill on your door card. Make sure none of these are gonna foul your speaker cos I had that problem with mine and it left a dent in the rubber. But it still works so never mind. lol.



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If you're prepared to spend £135 on 6x9's then look into getting Vibe QB-69's...Awesomeness in a speaker and they're coming down in price now so I'm sure you can get em less than £135.


Good choice with the Infinity Kappa speakers for your door. They will fit if you get the adapter plate. When you fit them tho, look on the reverse of your door card and you'll see little plastic bits that hold the speaker grill on your door card. Make sure none of these are gonna foul your speaker cos I had that problem with mine and it left a dent in the rubber. But it still works so never mind. lol.




arrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is it with 6x9 people :curse: get quality componants and bin the 6x9,s only good for passengers and crap for your soundstage

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