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Car in garage tomorrow


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Im getting my ST24 bumber sprayed and fitted tomorrow along with my side skirts (did them myself but have a horrible matt finish) they are charging me £100 for spraying the bumper and £100 for the side skirts.


I used the garage alot over the years so i shouldn't think they are ripping me off, but the prices do seem a bit high, wot do you think ?(

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took the car in tonight and asked about a price for fixing a slightly scraped front bumper as well


they said they would do it for £40 and spray the whole bumper as a was having the other things done (normal price £100) :P


got to ring them tomorrow and see how much they will charge for getting a couple of small dents out of the drivers door caused by inconsiderate shoppers at Tesco's :upyours:

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Rang the garage this afternoon to see if it was ready to pick up. First think they said was 'we were going to ring you'.


They haven't even started spraying! 8o So i walked down there and there was a problem with the bumper (MC Rallying copy-crap ;( ) They didn't want to start spraying coz there wasn't a hole in the bumper for the exhaust, they wanted the go ahead to put one in! I think a bit of common sense could of been used here. :madbugger:


I asked about the dents in the door and they said that as one of them has a small crease in it, that when they try and get it out the paint will probably split and the whole door will have to be resprayed. So theres another £50 added to the bill.


total bill now is £290 and it should be ready tomorrow night/Saturday morning ;( ;(

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another twist to this saga


rang the garage up this morning first thing, just to check everthing was still on to be ready for 10am tomorrow. their answer was NO 8o


i said okay how about 1pm (when they close)...answer i got was again NO 8o :upyours:


They said it would be ready for Monday, i told them that was no bloody good cos ive got to go somewhere on Sunday.


So ive got the car back now, and it looks the same as it did when i took it in on Tuesday ;( ;(


At least im still coming on Sunday, even if the car is minus its ST24 bumper and has a dented door, scuffed front bumper and cracked rear bumper still :rolleyes: !

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Best thing to do when it comes to spraying is get friendly with one of em and find out if they'll do it on the side, tis the best way trust me! On my old car I got my WRC front bumper RS2K skirts and ST24 rear bumper done for 200 notes in his garage at home, mint job too! Ask about theres allways someone who knows of people doing foreiners (sp?)



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