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pissed off wiv parents


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just got back from aving sunday lunch at a pub cos its my bros b'day.


cos the exit of the pub leads on 2 a dual carriageway i had to put me foot down wen leaving the car park so the 1st thing me dad says is "who we racing then" cos i had booted it.

it always Pees me off wen sum1 says summat stupid like that


then wen we got home id parked up in the yard and me mum decided to open the door as hard and as fast as possible and bang it in to a concrete ornament weve got 4 putting plants in. she didnt even apolagise.

alls she said was "i didnt know it was there"

i dont think its dun any damage to the door but the fact that she didnt even say sorry really pissed me off :vangry: :vangry: :vangry: :vangry: :vangry:

Edited by Sorted Scort
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thats where you tell them to get a taxi next time mate.....my parents dont even get anway near my motor, if they want a lift, i take them in there motor.....it seems getting in an out a 3 door is to hard to keep a hold of the door aswell as getting out.....


aswell as


"your exhaust is too loud"

"turn the music down"

"slow down"


"your in the wrong gear"


they all add up, i tend to let my gears go thru for the noise off the exhaust...just can't help it hehe

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well, my old man, being a 52 year old boy racer, just encourages me on :D :D :D :D


I remember once, coming back from a show, me in my 4i, Ross in his Mondy, him in his Cossie...


Coming along the A43, Ross was well behind ;), I was touching 135, he flashed me, I pulled over and he flew past!!!!! :D :D :D

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I remember once, coming back from a show, me in my 4i, Ross in his Mondy, him in his Cossie...


Coming along the A43, Ross was well behind ;), I was touching 135, he flashed me, I pulled over and he flew past!!!!! :D :D :D

the Mondy was only 2.0 compared to ur 2.9 V6 and ur old mans Cossie!!!!!!! Gimme a break!!!! :D :D :D

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I remember once, coming back from a show, me in my 4i, Ross in his Mondy, him in his Cossie...


Coming along the A43, Ross was well behind ;), I was touching 135, he flashed me, I pulled over and he flew past!!!!! :D  :D  :D

the Mondy was only 2.0 compared to ur 2.9 V6 and ur old mans Cossie!!!!!!! Gimme a break!!!! :D :D :D

:roll: ...............now ,now ladies.Where's your handbags? :D Al.

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I remember once, coming back from a show, me in my 4i, Ross in his Mondy, him in his Cossie...


Coming along the A43, Ross was well behind ;), I was touching 135, he flashed me, I pulled over and he flew past!!!!! :D  :D  :D

the Mondy was only 2.0 compared to ur 2.9 V6 and ur old mans Cossie!!!!!!! Gimme a break!!!! :D :D :D

:roll: ...............now ,now ladies.Where's your handbags? :D Al.

:roll: :roll:

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