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hi :thumb:

i joined here a while ago but have had no reason to post enything




1. i have just damaged my dads car and need to fix it before he gets back on wednesday, anybody know where i can get a cheap mondeo 51-reg offside rear light and the bump strip that goes on the bumper on the corner- i will take a piccy lata 2 show ya

2. i have got my drivin test on saturday and gettin an 1.8Si scort ASAP and no doubt will need to ask questions

3. i've been reading the board for a bit now and even though i have never met Orion Si, never spoke to him, i hate the 'thing'




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So you have been out driving with no lisence in your dads car?


So that means no lisence, no insurance and you managed to crash the car...........


People like you are the most irresponsible examplres of young drivers, you deserve to get a nobody good kicking from your dad for that, and no harm to you, i bet you where showing off when it happened.


We have driving test's for a reason, and clearly you have demonstrated your lack of competint skills of driving not to menction the fact you are irresponsible and have been driving illegally.


If i'd have been a police officer and caught you, i'd have done my utmost to send you to jail for a very long time.


I have no sumpathy for you, you are no better than a joyrider in my eyes, and I wouldn't Pee on one of them if they where on fire.......................




Just one question, what would have happened if you had of hit a child? Would you have hung around? I bet you wouldn't have................... You disgust me.

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sorry mate


BUT (Not been rude now) BUT


1. I am insured

2. I was with my mate who has a full lisence and over 21 etc

3. i was not showing off, i was reversing into my drive. i was trying to get it exactly how my dad puts his on the drive so he does not know i have used it - He puts the car ded close to the edge which is ded close to the gate post



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3. i was not showing off, i was reversing into my drive. i was trying to get it exactly how my dad puts his on the drive so he does not know i have used it - He puts the car ded close to the edge which is ded close to the gate post

so technicaly u weren't insured to be driving it cos u took it without the owners consent?

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to get it sorted by Weds you gonna have to go somewhere to pick em up, anywhere you order them from probably wouldn't get them to you by Weds cos of the bank holiday 2day etc


Good luck, let us know how you get on, where you from anyway??

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