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jade goody


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Didn't like the woman to be honest, they won't shut up about her for ages now either, she probably sold the rights to her funeral :rolleyes:


But, don't blame her, least her kids will be alright for a good few years, just think she should have had a bit more dignity, rather than letting the papers ram it down our throats daily. Plenty of other people have cancer, what makes her special...

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Didn't like the woman to be honest, they won't shut up about her for ages now either, she probably sold the rights to her funeral :rolleyes:


But, don't blame her, least her kids will be alright for a good few years, just think she should have had a bit more dignity, rather than letting the papers ram it down our throats daily. Plenty of other people have cancer, what makes her special...


Correct! couldnt have said it better. as i said its a shame on the kids. and in all honesty i didnt like her at all. her face has been in the paper every other day for the last 6 months.! But my thoughts go to her family :(

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You dont like her because the media wouldnt stop going on about her? Yeah thats her fault.

Shes dead, let it go.




No, I didn't like her cos she was a racist old trollop, who kept doing stupid Shite to get herself in the media spotlight and make some money, because she was too talentless to do anything constructive with her life. What she should have done, is had a little dignity in the last few months of her life, and disappeared, and spent the time in peace with her family.


But, equally, the media in this country is pathetic enough to pay up and push this crap down our throats, and in a way I don't blame her for taking the money to make things better for her kids when she's gone.

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