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Car is a write off


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Took car for a new sill welding on today but whilst welding it he set fire to seat belt taking out the interior of door side of seat etc etc as well as the windows being black from smoke damage

He said it will be fine as he is going to replace the burnt bits including seatbelt from his ford scrapyard ...

Hmmm I thought what about the smoke damage to all the rest of car as well as two childseats that were in the back so I rang up my insurance who have declared car a write off and said they will claim through his insurance nice and simple

Only it would be but it turns out he hasnt got any Its going to be a messy situation but the worst thing is is the escort is no more I am gutted

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in a world no longer content with the simple fact that sometimes "accidents happen" and people would rather grab for everything they can get over simply relying on a appology and gentlemans agreement....... Im quite pleased to see someone get bitten on the arse <chuckles to self>

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Ive got a 8 year old disabled child unable to walk (seen as ya seem to be playing the "Im so hard done by" game) and ya know what......Id have still gave the bloke the benefit of the doubt and simply asked him to pay a fair price for a full valet.


<kicks soap box out from under lastchancer>

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Blimy mr dreamer, good to see you back out of hiding. :thumb:


Thats bang out of order at end of day i have a 13 month old baby and a 3 year old would you be happy drining your kids around in a car that had been filled with smoke ???


No, i would rather have the car sorted all for free by the bloke & sort it out there & then rather than make them walk?

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If the insurance have written it off, have they paid you? Buy it back and repair n clean it yourself?


Blimy mr dreamer, good to see you back out of hiding. :thumb:


Has his mrs let him out after the colour coding incident?
























..... plus the missus let me off after some pleb in a suped/chav'ed up pug 306 wrapped into the front of my Si at a cruise/race meet and I nearly cried :pancake:

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i d go back and tell him you want everything put back right and if he is in a proper garage doing this call the police or some sort of law people or benfits agency as he is obvisoly doing this illegally


so he should be stopped before someone actually gets hurt


upto you byut the bloke obviosly didnt have a clue what he was doing and took it on as a bit of extra cash

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I know long term time served highly sort after master welders that still occassionally set fire to things.....its part and parcel with the job of welding so assuming he's done it out of incompetance is a bit of a leap there....



as for the suspicion that he might have been doing the job on the side for extra cash........ Im sure thats exactly the reason why the car was taken to him, cos it was cheap!


IF anything you've assumed is correct then again it'd come right back on the car owner aswell.....you get what you pay for....pay cheap.....get cheap.

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