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Visiting Paris & Disneyland Paris


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Taking the wife away to Paris just after the new year (it's one of her Xmas presents) and I was just wondering would anyone recommend going to Disneyland? She loves Christmas and I know they have a lot of Christmasy things on there so I thought it might be nice.


And on a side topic, has anyone been to Paris and can anyone recommend any specific places to go?


Any suggestions welcome! :thumb:

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Taking the wife away to Paris just after the new year (it's one of her Xmas presents) and I was just wondering would anyone recommend going to Disneyland? She loves Christmas and I know they have a lot of Christmasy things on there so I thought it might be nice.


And on a side topic, has anyone been to Paris and can anyone recommend any specific places to go?


Any suggestions welcome! :thumb:


You do realise Christmas will be over.

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Taking the wife away to Paris just after the new year (it's one of her Xmas presents) and I was just wondering would anyone recommend going to Disneyland? She loves Christmas and I know they have a lot of Christmasy things on there so I thought it might be nice.


And on a side topic, has anyone been to Paris and can anyone recommend any specific places to go?


Any suggestions welcome! :thumb:


You do realise Christmas will be over.

Their website says the Christmas theme is on until the 6th January.


Yes, I do realise Christmas will be over by then as it's after the 25th December.


Sounds like a decent gift there mate. How much did it cost you and what did you get for the deal e.g. accomodation and number of nights stay if you don't mind me asking? :cheers:

Wasn't cheap at all! Decided to say in a nice place by the Arc de Triomphe as a treat, not much change from 4 figures!


Not at that time of year, no, never. Also never go if you've been to the American Disneyland/worlds.

May I ask why?

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Yeah I wouldnt be too sure about going to Disney during the winter....

Its worth the visit though if you want to brave the cold


as for Paris....there is the standard tourist things to visit...eifel tower, sacre cour, notre dame, le louvre (where Mona lisa is)...the rest of Paris just involves chilling out at cafes or wine bars but again....you miss out sitting outside because its winter- thats a bit part of the charm.

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Ive been to both on many occasions,


Paris itself is lovely, loads of sight seeing to do, but it well expensive!


as for places, you have the main attractions, eiffel tower, The Louvre, Arch de triumph etc, so defo go take a look at them, you can get a tour bus which takes you round the sight seeing places, and you can get on and off as many times as you like, well worth doing this, as driving around is a nightmare!


as for Disneyland Paris, its defo worth a visit, its about 35miles away from paris itself, 2 days is what id do there, so you can spend each day in each of the parks, and do some shopping at downtown Disney etc, Still a great visit, ive been to the Florida Disney World on numerous occasions, and that is by far better, but the Paris one is defo worth a visit!




Also, i booked a break through www.superbreak.co.uk


stayed in a hotel for 2 nights in Paris, just down the road from the Louvre, and was perfect to get about! we used the Paris Metro, which is the same as the subway!


they do day trips to Disney Land from Paris center, so be worth a look at that to!



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Ive been to both on many occasions,


Paris itself is lovely, loads of sight seeing to do, but it well expensive!


as for places, you have the main attractions, eiffel tower, The Louvre, Arch de triumph etc, so defo go take a look at them, you can get a tour bus which takes you round the sight seeing places, and you can get on and off as many times as you like, well worth doing this, as driving around is a nightmare!


as for Disneyland Paris, its defo worth a visit, its about 35miles away from paris itself, 2 days is what id do there, so you can spend each day in each of the parks, and do some shopping at downtown Disney etc, Still a great visit, ive been to the Florida Disney World on numerous occasions, and that is by far better, but the Paris one is defo worth a visit!




Also, i booked a break through www.superbreak.co.uk


stayed in a hotel for 2 nights in Paris, just down the road from the Louvre, and was perfect to get about! we used the Paris Metro, which is the same as the subway!


they do day trips to Disney Land from Paris center, so be worth a look at that to!



Thanks for that.


Would you recommend that I buy the tickets before I leave or once I get there?

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