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Trax Preparations

Mike C

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Well, seeing as i've worked most me hours for this week in the 1st 2 days, i only got 16 left to do, but they been spread out into 4 days of 4, so i got NO days off before Saturday. So, 2moro I have to get all the bits i need (1 part and lots of different extortionately-priced cleaning products) to give me time to make a kosher job of the cleaning.


But then there's summat else i'd like ideally for the show, but don't think there's gonna be time, it's crept up all of a sudden LOL....................



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im working tomorrow then im off till the following wednesday. all i gotta do is take mi car back to where i got mi zorst done cos it rattles when idelling so that needs sorting then i need to empty the shite out of there and give it a vaccuum, wash and mabye a polish if i can be bothered




PS: i also need to lower the front a bit more

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But then there's summat else i'd like ideally for the show, but don't think there's gonna be time, it's crept up all of a sudden LOL....................



which is?



please dont turn into one of 'them' :( :( ;( ;(

it ain't an alteration to the car Lee, just summat i thouht would be a nice touch for the show, i ain't one of "them", just don't think i can ge it sorted in time, so don't wanna say what it is until i know that it can/ can't happen



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