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Replying in For Sale Threads

Lee R


49 members have voted

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Option 1.


People can say whatever they like, whenever they like. If the author of the thread doesnt want this the post should be locked from the start


Option 2


People should keep their opinions to themselves. Dont tell people their car is priced to high, because it may ruin their sale

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Putting me serious hat on for a mo


The problem is that too many people are inclined to take umbrage if the comments are less positive than they think (however well-intentioned). There is also a risk that it could fcuk a deal, that both parties are happy with, in mid stream.


I guess therefore, I gotta go with no (Now option 2 :D ) on the basis that if the comments aren't posted for all to see then the issue becomes a difference of opinion rather than a public slanging match.


The for sale section should be locked automatically and all transactions done by pm after the initial post.


That's my view, anyways



Edited by cargy
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as cargy sed, i think all sales shud be done via pm, cuz as well intentioned criticism can be sometimes it CAN ruin a deal, which isnt very nice for the seller :) i personally dont mind ppl telling me ive priced summit too high etc, ill just tell em to b*llox :D :roll:
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I voted option two, admittedly Lee i do value your comments on price etc very highly as well as everyone elses but for a general rule it may not be to everyones taste. Could it be better to make these comment private in a PM other thant public. :) Edited by plumber60
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I think for sale threads should be locked from the start. and all questions and requests should be done via PM. Also like ebay section, threads most be equiped with a picture where applicable, none of this PM for picture bullshite and i dunno how to take a photo crap.


Also i think users, or club members should be able to close there own threads.

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I voted option 1. As it gives the seller the opportunity to decide what to do, can either just post one for sale thread and lock it and use PM's if interested or if the seller wants others opinions whether it be constructive or not then they can keep it open to all.
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Just to clarify something: im not out to get on anybody's nerves. All i want to do is get on and enjoy this car club. If any offence has been taken, i apologise.


If anybody cant accept an apology, go fcuk yourself.


No enough. Roll on series2!



Dan, dont feel you have to apoligise to anyone mate, if people take offence over anything, it isnt your problem :thumb:

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i agree with fox again.. (getting to be a habit now :roll: )


if the seller wishes to add the questions asked via PM and their reply, in the same was as ebay then ok but otherwise should be a straigh ad and nothing else.. dont really need people saying "lovely motor" and "good luck" tbh.. doesnt really help with the sale

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I voted for people to either PM their opinions on price, or keep it to themselves :thumb:

It's not like you'd stand on a garage forecourt and go over to potential customers infront of the salesman going on about how the car is overpriced in your opinion would you?

Just common sense IMO

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If something is priced to high, I would rather someone tell me before i pay over the odds for it.

Some people are more experianced in putting a ralistic value on things than others and in these cases the expertise should be welcomed.

For example, I would say i'm fairly competant and putting a price on a car, but i would havr no idea about ice. I would gladly advise someone ona price on a car and would like the same in return should i buy a head unit.

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option 1 :thumb:


feedback can be very helpful, but if they specifically don't want any clutter in their thread then they can request it be locked


obviously, if people are being blatantly nasty, they should have their posts removed and be cautioned if necessary, but that goes for any post/thread, not just stuff in the for sale thread



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