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Parceline are complete shite...


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As many of you know, bought some tyres from mytyres.co.uk , told me the delivery date would be around the 25th.


On the 20th, i got in from work at 4pm to find a sorry we missed you card on the doormat, fair enough i thought, rang up and rebooked it to come today (Friday), got in from work last night ( Thursday ) and theres another sorry we missed you card on the doorstep.. :curse: started to get wound up at this point, because id used the automated rebooking service as stated on the ' we missed you ' card.


Thought i would phone up and make sure it was still coming tommorow, what a big bloody mistake that was, i got that angry and frustrated i was shaking..


0845 number costing me money, after about a minute of, for this press that, for this press this, this that this that, i got through, to be greeted with ' sorry, there is a technical flaw with our services, your call is in a que, please wait, your 9th in the que, your estimated calling time is... NINE MINUTES TWO SECONDS, annnoyed, but thought oh well, and waited, about 3 minutes later of shite music i get... please wait, your 9th in the que, your estimated calling time is... EIGHT MINUTES FIFTY NINE SECONDS :curse: im sorry but ive been on hold for 3 minutes and the waiting time goes down 3 seconds, then im going to be on hold till midnight right?


Got very annoyed, and just put myself through to sales, let all my anger out on some bird, who told me that there was something in my area to be delivered for tommorow, but please call back in the morning at the earliest time when we first open... by this point id been on and off the phone for around 25 minutes...


So, wakes up nice and early this morning, around 8 30 when they open, i make the call...


Press 5 as i did yesterday, hello your call is in a cue, please wait, your waiting time is ONE MINUTE 2 SECONDs, ahhh i thought, next minute HELLO YOUR THROUGH TO PARCEL LINE HOW MAY I HELP YOU ?


I nearly Shite the bed i didnt think humans existed on that number, before i had chance to half explain the situation she goes sorry wrong department ill put you through, then al i got was ' sorry there is a technical fault ' you are now being redirected to the main switchboard, oh noes, and then i got through to switch, to be redirected again, and put on hold for wait for it, FIFTEEN MINUTES FORTY NINE SECONDS..


I went Fcuking spare, hung up, rang back, pressed 5 again, got through within a minute, said look im sorry its you im shouting at here and your only doing your job but this is a f ing disgrace, i booked my parcel to be redelivered friday and all i want is confirmation that if its coming or not as ive booked a day off work for this... she said okay sir ill ring the depot direct for you now,, put me on hold for 3 minutes, rang me back, sorry sir theres no answer, ill cal you back within one hour ( gave her my number ) i said look can i just have the depot adress because if i dont get a call back within the next 1and half im going to go spare, i got the depot adress ( Leicester which is 40 miles away near enough ) and that was the end of it...


Ill wait until 10am if i dont get a phonecall ill phone back, if i still get no where ill have to go and fetch them myself, cost me 20 quid in fuel, its a Fcuking joke and i wanr anyone not to use parcel line.... :censored:

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Think we have all experianced that at some point lol it is anoying i had one yesterday with royal mail orderd some parts to have the compant phone me last night saying they have arived back to thwm as noone botherd to pick them up my end i didnt even get a card and was in all week the lieing buggers but thats good old royal mail bring on privatisation i say :)
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Right drove all the way over to leicester, got lost on the north south east west ringroad thing, half an hour later after asking for direction at 4 petrol stations and following some iranian i managed to get there.


The woman who came out to assist me was in fact the head secretary or something for the accounts and deliverys..


Explained the situation including the telephone episodes ive had, she was really apologetic which was nice, but it didnt end there, my tyres wernt even there, she wondered off to see what the f was going on, then the iranian bloke who directed me there who works there came out and said they are on the van, be at home after 1pm and they will be delivered, fair enough i thought because on the 2 we missed you cards they had tried to deliver at 1 20 and 1 45 ...


So left there, got some mcdonalds, have some paki chav shouting at me turn it up man turn it up that sounds sick ! what sub you got ? :roll: :roll:


Anyway i got the number for head office, which is the one they wouldnt give me over the phone, so if the tyres dont come ill be able to ring the woman is poke to this morning.


Then at least she will be able tobook it for tommorow, to come at a set time, free of charge, its cost me about a tenner on the phonebill and 10 quid of fuel just to get a simple straightforward answer i could have got over the phone if i didnt get put on hold for 2 hours...


Ive made a real effort to get where i have and to assure these tyres get here today as they are being fitted today as the lad wants to collect the white ones tonight and i dont want to let him down... but really if you dont make the effort like i have im surpised anyone has got any of there parcels at all ?

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Right drove all the way over to leicester, got lost on the north south east west ringroad thing, half an hour later after asking for direction at 4 petrol stations and following some iranian i managed to get there.


The woman who came out to assist me was in fact the head secretary or something for the accounts and deliverys..


Explained the situation including the telephone episodes ive had, she was really apologetic which was nice, but it didnt end there, my tyres wernt even there, she wondered off to see what the f was going on, then the iranian bloke who directed me there who works there came out and said they are on the van, be at home after 1pm and they will be delivered, fair enough i thought because on the 2 we missed you cards they had tried to deliver at 1 20 and 1 45 ...


So left there, got some mcdonalds, have some paki chav shouting at me turn it up man turn it up that sounds sick ! what sub you got ? :roll: :roll:


Anyway i got the number for head office, which is the one they wouldnt give me over the phone, so if the tyres dont come ill be able to ring the woman is poke to this morning.


Then at least she will be able tobook it for tommorow, to come at a set time, free of charge, its cost me about a tenner on the phonebill and 10 quid of fuel just to get a simple straightforward answer i could have got over the phone if i didnt get put on hold for 2 hours...


Ive made a real effort to get where i have and to assure these tyres get here today as they are being fitted today as the lad wants to collect the white ones tonight and i dont want to let him down... but really if you dont make the effort like i have im surpised anyone has got any of there parcels at all ?


it doesnt happen all the time... but the moral would have been if you would have gone to a local garage they tyres would have been the same price? :roll:


we dont get anythin like that and we use parcelforce and citylink..

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Oh well, the tyres came... and i need to clean the white lube goo off them again as it all sueezed out now ive driven it, powdercoating job is completely Shite, but i dont care, they look ten times better than those white ones and ive got a full set of new tyres :cheers:




Quick cam phone pic, doesnt do them justice, will clean it at the weekend and get some proper camera pics :cheers:

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Oh well, the tyres came... and i need to clean the white lube goo off them again as it all sueezed out now ive driven it, powdercoating job is completely Shite, but i dont care, they look ten times better than those white ones and ive got a full set of new tyres :cheers:




Quick cam phone pic, doesnt do them justice, will clean it at the weekend and get some proper camera pics :cheers:



OMG look at them rear lights


A sad day :(








:roll: :roll: :roll:

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