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shitty amazon problems


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just tried to buy summat off amazon.co.uk

and when it asked me for me password i put it in the pressed continue

then got this message

"Seller Unable to Accept Payments



Due to limitations related to your account, we cannot process this transaction at this time. Because the seller has designated this item as purchasable with Amazon Payments only, you will have to try to complete this purchase at a later time. Please click the Back button on your browser to return to the previous page. Or go to Help pages for assistance."


any body had this b4 cos i dont know what 2 do

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until now i've never had a problem with amazon and i've ordered loads from them in the past.


however at the moment i'm a little pissed off, i ordered a digital video camera from them about 3 weeks ago now, it was almost £100 cheaper than anywhere else could do so i thought weyhay! but 3 weeks later and i now get a email saying they haven't actually managed to source one to send to me yet and it's going to be another 14 days :vangry: :nutter:

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