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Sorry, another one...


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Right, as most of you will have noticed, my Escort is for sale. I've been looking at all sorts of cars to replace it, and my initial thoughts were to get something a wee bit older, like a MK4 Escort or a Sierra of some kind. This would obviously be a good giggle, and with a bit of work, I could end up with quite a nippy car. But, being at uni, and not having unlimited funds, does obviously have some impact on that. Anyway, I have been thinking, that as I do a few motorway miles between uni and home, and that having some nailed together turbo car might not be too sensible, should I buy something a touch newer and more modern. Something that still has some poke (I won't buy a slow car, so don't even suggest it!), but a bit bigger maybe, and mostly standard. I'm still considering something older, but, with the type of driving I do, and not having unlimited funds to repair a modified car, I'm wondering if I should perhaps be a little more thoughtful about what I buy, hence the new topic.


Anyway, I'm hoping I can push the finances up from the original £1k to between £1500 and £2000, which would hopefully get me something nicer. Anyway, this is what I've seen on my ebay travels over the last couple of days. The first two are probably my front runners.


First up, the Mondeo ST200. I didn't think this would be a possibility to be honest, but I've seen a couple for £2k that looked ok. Were both around the 120/130k mark, but didn't look too bad. But (this is where you come in Russ!), would I be buying trouble getting one for that money? What do I look for in buying one of these? Are the head gaskets still prone to failure like an ST24? Lovely looking car, and well equiped, but I don't want to buy one for this money if it's just going to blow up on me. Tidying suspension and a bit of rust on the arches doesn't bother me, but a blown engine does!


Next, is the Audi A4. I've never been a massive fan of Audis, but, the 95-01 shape A4 is very cheap, and you can get some quite nippy ones. I'd like to go for a 1.8T, but the 2.8 V6 seems cheaper, and out of the box is a little quicker. I've even thought about an Avant for practicality. I would probably try to get a Quattro if I was to buy one, just for the handling, and it's just as quick as the FWD. Quicker than the ST200 in turbo or V6 form. Obviously it should be reliable, being an Audi, but parts prices worry me a little.


Next up, E36 BMW, probably a 328i, but maybe a 325i. Obvious German reliability again, but is it going to be expensive to repair if/when it breaks, and am I going to look like a nob driving it :roll: Good cars, but I worry about finding one that hasn't been nailed to be honest. And they do seem to rust?


We also have this in the bargain, the classic Subaru Impreza Turbo. Again, should be reliable, quicker than anything else here, and very good handling. Downsides, insurance would be quite pricey, and if it broke, my life would be over quite frankly. I think the big challenge would be finding one that wasn't shagged for that money.


I've also seen falling into my price bracket....wait for it.....the Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T. Even manual models seem to be cropping up for around £2000 now, which is shocking. Again, if it went wrong, I'd die, and the insurance may kill me, but quite an interesting car at that money. Bullet proof engine too apparently.


Lastly, I am still considering a MK6 RS2000, but, it's not that quick, and I think I might get bored of buying yet another Escort!


Anyway, all thoughts on my ramblings are welcome, and I might end up stuck with my car yet, it's on ebay at the moment :rolleyes:

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Be careful thinking of older cars, you can get lots of problems - wiring age related stuff etc......


I had a RST and a Zetec turbo at uni, but i would say your car needs to relate to what mileage you are doing.

I didnt do alot of miles, so didnt mind that the cars used more fuel than a normal car would do. If i was doing alot of miles i would want something ecconomical.

I once took a firends v6 Mondeo upto York and back, keeping to the speed limits it was shockingly bad on fuel, enough so to put me off ever wanting one.


I woulndt even consider a car you couldnt afford to fix, especially when they are 'performance' cars that will have had a hard life.

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Be careful thinking of older cars, you can get lots of problems - wiring age related stuff etc......


I had a RST and a Zetec turbo at uni, but i would say your car needs to relate to what mileage you are doing.

I didnt do alot of miles, so didnt mind that the cars used more fuel than a normal car would do. If i was doing alot of miles i would want something ecconomical.

I once took a firends v6 Mondeo upto York and back, keeping to the speed limits it was shockingly bad on fuel, enough so to put me off ever wanting one.


I woulndt even consider a car you couldnt afford to fix, especially when they are 'performance' cars that will have had a hard life.


All very good points. I don't do stacks and stacks of miles, so fuel economy isn't too much of an issue to be honest. But I do want something vaguely reliable, hence looking at slightly newer stuff, or at least quite standard things.


Maintenence costs is whats putting me off both the jap contenders, and also the german stuff to a point. The Mondeo is my favourite in many ways, as the parts are cheap, and it's still just your average Mondeo for the most part, so it's all pretty simple. But, the head gasket thing is a concern, so need to look into that more!

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BMW parts are nice and cheap.


Compare them to the price of Toyota parts, which are ridiculous.


I would go for an ST24 over an ST200. I much prefer the ST200, but would rather buy a top example of a 24 than a "bottom of the barrel" 200.


£2000 should get you a decent UK Turbo 2000. Stick to a Turbo 2000 as insurance will be cheaper, you don't have to worry about if it's been re-mapped to run properly on UK fuel etc etc. Second hand spares are plentiful and if you're sensible, it won't cost much to run, not like you might think

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Yeah I think it would have to be a UK car, hence pretty much ruling the Skyline out too. My only concern is finding one that hasn't been raped, as many of them have had a hard life by now.


I do see what you mean about an ST24, the thought had crossed my mind, but I think if I bought one, I'd always be wishing I'd bought the ST200, if you get me lol.


The Impreza is a tempting prospect in so many ways, due to where I live, I think it would be an uber fun car, it's probably the perfect weapon for the back roads. But, when I came to drive it home, would I get fed up of it.


I'm honestly very confused at the moment!

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to be honest, i am the same as you i like the older cars but like you say you need deep pockets to keep them going (maintanice wise) i cnt even aford pockets at the mo.lol. The audi's or the beemer would probly be best because theres loads about, so you can be realy picky...just don't for the love of god buy an impratzer...
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to be honest, i am the same as you i like the older cars but like you say you need deep pockets to keep them going (maintanice wise) i cnt even aford pockets at the mo.lol. The audi's or the beemer would probly be best because theres loads about, so you can be realy picky...just don't for the love of god buy an impratzer...


It may have a bit of a bad image, but get over that, and it's a fantastic car. I think for £2k you'd struggle to get anything more capable.

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10k a year on student income in an impreza turbo? insurance will kill you and the petrol bills if u boot it...which u will


I'm 24 with full NCD, so insurance isn't a problem TBH. And I drive sensible for the most part these days. I barely drink and don't smoke, so I can cover it :)


1.8 sierra rwd fun :)


1.6 or 1.8 capri again rwd fun.


they would be my choices, would cost a great deal on petrol and theres all sort's you can do to them for next to nothing :)


Considered Sierras and the like mate, would be fun, but part of me does get sick of hammering bits back on old cars, think maybe something a few years newer might be wise til I finish uni, then try to get myself a Cossie :D

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