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French foreign legion


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Not for the faint hearted. Physically (at least a few years ago) they were amongst the best in the world. You are joining a 'family'. Real family comes second. You are highly likely to become a killing machine, possibly develop mental problems combined with lessened interpersonal skills. That i learnt from spending a few days with one who had been doing it most of his adult life.
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im after a bit of info, i know the trainning is brutal have to Speak French but what is it really like im just after getting past the myths.

The myths go far and wide when it comes to the Legion. I spent some years with the Legion and served in different parts of the world as you might guess Africa. The training is hard as would be the same in any army. I served along side many ex british soldiers and they agreed the training is hard but what makes the Legion different is the camaraderie. The hardest part is the first 6 months of service after that its not so bad and you do get some time to yourself. I dont know about now but the training in French Guiana is very very tough. Its a one in a lifetime experience and despite what everyone thinks its not made up of criminals and murderers on the run. In fact the initial induction into the Legion is made up of weeks and weeks of checks made through interpol and with what we called gestapo ( its like an interogation unit within the Legion ) after this and numurous health checks and IQ tests you begin your Legion training for 6 months basic then off to a regiment. I hope this helps a little if you have any questions then let me know I would be more than happy to help :)

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Not for the faint hearted. Physically (at least a few years ago) they were amongst the best in the world. You are joining a 'family'. Real family comes second. You are highly likely to become a killing machine, possibly develop mental problems combined with lessened interpersonal skills. That i learnt from spending a few days with one who had been doing it most of his adult life.



lads born and raised in kensington, liverpool must get to join as officers then :pancake:

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I watched a programme about them recently, I know they've changed alot. Alot of people used the legion as a place to run to and hide from etc. They dont just let anyone in anymore. They do do checks and that now im sure. Im pretty sure a few of the guys they interviews couldnt speak very good french at all, so I dont think thats very important.



But as someone said, why not join a volunteering for the Red cross, Green Peace or even Al-Queda*.





*Disclaimer, That was intended as a joke, and by no means am I connected or associated with al-queda (of which I think i've spelt it wrong)

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