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Quiet squeak/spinning front right


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Driving to my mates house about 5-10 minutes ago i've just noticed what sounds like a quiet squeak/spinning coming from the front right of the car, it's constantly there UNTIL I press the break, then nothing, then when i release the break....squeak squeak squeak...


Any suggestions? Please don't tell me it's`expensive! I want my kid sprayed next week or there abouts :nutter:

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Ok so now the squeak has turned into a LOUD squeak, and i've narrowed it down to 3 times it does it:


It only happens when:

I turn right (even just a bit)

I let off the accelerator


It goes away if:

I accelerate

I brake

I turn left




I was HOPING i could get my kit sprayed next week but looks like i know wher emy money is going now...

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Well as said above bearing isn't expensive? but CV joint....expensive?


neither are expensive dependant on method(I had a new cv and bearing of a accident damaged well serviced motor in the scrappers)....just a pain in the arse to change

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