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Bully gets suplexed WWF style


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Seen it on facebook. Good on him. Little idiot deserved it, and he shouldnt't have been punished IMO


Violence of any kind cannot be tolerated in a school enviroment, no matter what the reason for its use it will unavoidably set a bad example if it go's unpunished.


The littkle scrote got away with it unpunished for years, and if the big lad didnt open the can of whoopass on him then, then the skinny kid would have walked off and not been punished. Its only because it was such an epic comeback (and a youtube sensation probably) that the big kid got gripped

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Seen it on facebook. Good on him. Little idiot deserved it, and he shouldnt't have been punished IMO


Violence of any kind cannot be tolerated in a school enviroment, no matter what the reason for its use it will unavoidably set a bad example if it go's unpunished.


The littkle scrote got away with it unpunished for years, and if the big lad didnt open the can of whoopass on him then, then the skinny kid would have walked off and not been punished. Its only because it was such an epic comeback (and a youtube sensation probably) that the big kid got gripped


no one said justice was always fair.


but Im pretty sure what you think was an easy escape for the bully was actually alot worse than anyone would suspect.


Bullies are natural cowards, they target the weaker to fortify their own insecurities which are often more deeply ingrained and terrifying than those of their targets, aslong as their dominance is never challenged they remain top of the food chain and self obsessed with their position in the world.


But when they suffer a defeat from someone considered lower down the food chain than them all that go's to shite (specially if their defeat is so humiliatingly public as was the case with that clip), the people that stood by them cos they were "hard" soon move on to suck up to the next bossman, the people that looked upto them and hoped to one day be them no longer even give them a second glance and worse of worse, their previous targets are now in the bully's mind their next potential kickin giver.


In essence, a bullies life is a lonely pathetic one even when their ontop but they can fool themselves into thinking their popular because of their followers, when the followers disappear..... there's nothin left to fool themselves with.


Even in school I was fascinated with human behavioral traits and social interaction, especially when I had been the greatest influence in the actions of the subject (not to mention the self satisfaction factor involved)........ can ya tell? :pancake:

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