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But now your being pedantic. None-needs to do a lot of things, but the law states if you wish to remain legal you must - its just a fact of life, as is driving a car, and owning a home, which all have a Legal requirement for insurance.


Unfortunately being a working citizen i require a car to transport me between jobs and carry my tools. As no other type of transport will feasible allow me to carry half a ton of spare computer components and tools its leaves driving as the only viable option ;) Hence why i have NO CHOICE whether or not i wish be insured to remain legal.


So like i was saying, after being FORCED to pay ridiculous rates to work, and therefore live, in some cases paying more than the car is actually worth, I feel its my RIGHT to drain these money grabbing sharks for every drop of blood I can squeeze out of them. You’re a fool if you think the country thanks you for not claiming against these corporations. Your insurance takes into consideration of these kind of claims, so if they’re expecting them, why disappoint them :)


And after hearing numerous stories of them not paying claims because of silly technicalities like rebadging your car to mimic another trim, having a back-box and various other items which are all pathetic excuses to payout, when infact they cannot provided a single element of evidence that it in anyway had any effect on the claiming incident. I say fcuk em for everything they got.

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Just because you paid your insurance for 7 years doesnt mean you have to claim for whiplash and bullshite stuff like that when there is no need.


Why does it even bother you? you should be supporting me, i'd wish you goodluck if you were trying to squeeze an extra couple of grand out of the insurance company.


I think deep down the problem is with the people almost angry at the fact someone is making a few extra quid. But when its at none-ones expense who's losing out? my claim will not even affect your insurance premium kirsty, we're too different ages, in two different sex groups and discount ratings. My claim wont even affect you. So why you so against this? it confuses me.


You not want me to be a couple of quid better off? im sure your opinion would change if i was offering you half i what i earn't.

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Sorry for thinking that its wrong to claim for injuries that don't exist just to make yourself better off and to get one over on the insurance companies! :rolleyes:


So you'd rather see a mutli-billion dollar company make a few more bucks than see a friend get a couple more grand back.


Wanna see how i think of it. Think of it this way, say your paying into a pension. you turn 65 and suddenly the the company says, no sorry you cant all of your money back, we've looked at your lifestyle and savings and you only actually need half of it, so here you go. good bye. Its your money - its there available for you, you just need to know how to get it back.

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Yes I'd like to see a friend get some money of course I would. But not for those reasons. If they had genuinely hurt themselves then yeh, sue their arses off but I just don't think its right to con money like that.


Ok, I don't agree with how the insurance companies rip people off either but there you go.

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exactly, until the insurance companies conning young drivers with silly premiums i wont stop conning them straight back. Its a dog eat dog world, and anything i can do to get myself at the top of the food chain is one step closer to feeling less conned with these premiums.


My friend paid £1400 for his insurance this year. he had his lovely new focus ST broken into last week, had his Navigator stolen and a window broken.

He phoned up the insurance company after getting a crime ref number and they after telling them what needed to be replaced they wanted to charge him £250 excess AND lose his no claims bonus. With the cost of the loss of no claims to next years premium and the £250 excess he decided not to claim.


The insurance company stole £1400 off him. And he lost a window and navigator which he had to replace out of his own pocket.


Its criminal.


If i was him i woulda have claimed for the laptop under my passenger seat too. and you telling me thats not fair?

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