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will a speed camera van have the speed camera sign on them?


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depends really if it's police or local council.

alot very sneekely have no signs on but some set a sign 100yds away..if they don't and they snap u....get all the info u can about where it was. if u suspect u have been done over, go back check the area, take pics......it really is funny when u get an apolgy from the police for not having adequate signs to warn drivers

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if its council they dont need to display anything AT ALL, can be as covert as they like.. like the one that snapped me on the a127 few weeks back, was totally blacked out and park down a side road and only the camera itself was visable on the side of the road.. i only saw the van on a return trip down the same stretch straight after to check it out
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Police vans are usually in lay bys or parking areas or something similar with a speed camera sign on the van. However there are these people (nob ends I like to call them) who do kind of freelance zapping. They complain to the council or police that someone was doing 32mph past their run down roadside country shack, rather than the designated 30mph and the police/council give them a speed gun and send them on their way. They then sit zapping motorists, presumably cos they have no job. I doubt very much if they have a van to sit in, but remember....





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if its council they dont need to display anything AT ALL, can be as covert as they like.. like the one that snapped me on the a127 few weeks back, was totally blacked out and park down a side road and only the camera itself was visable on the side of the road.. i only saw the van on a return trip down the same stretch straight after to check it out


Same as one that got me :nutter: :nutter:

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The police legally dont have to indicate that they are there anymore. New law past earlia this year. They can sit unmarked, behind bushes, up trees, newhere they like now! same goes for the gatsos, they no longer need to be highlighted with bright colours. 8)
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