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insurance advice


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need abit of advice.




almost a year ago, i had some one crash into the back of me which fucked the bumper, rear panel and boot.


this was repaired by my insurance.


well today after looking around the area about something else, i notice a very faint line going through the paintwork (on left rear panel), just above where the rear bumper meets the rear panel, and it is obvous that this is damage from crash a year ago. So basically the paint has been cracked from the damedges, and rust has appeared underneath it, only slightly, buts its still there.


is my insurance company still liable to repair this??






p.s i will try and upload pictures later

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Take your bumper off ( 4x 13mm nuts inside boot, 4x self tappers in arch) and see to what extent the damage is. Isnt too hard, i can explain better by word not type. if you know what i mean


Where bouts you live?

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lol it is, i did say lol hardly anything at all. how do i go about doing it my self then?


coventry mate.


once the bumper is off, then what??




Take your bumper off ( 4x 13mm nuts inside boot, 4x self tappers in arch) and see to what extent the damage is. Isnt too hard, i can explain better by word not type. if you know what i mean


Where bouts you live?


coventry mate.


once the bumper is off, then what??




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