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how do i make absence from work seem less bad


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right, basically i was physically ill... so called in sick, went to docs, the thought it was gastroenteritis. week later it wasnt so had blood tests. week later blood was back and it was ok.

he asked me some questions etc, did some dodgy quiz thing and apparently i got depression or summat ?( but he said it was prob brought on from work because work is really Shite atm and theres too many people to count off sick with stress or depression, several managers have almost walked out. everyones overworked, apparently theres still no overtime even though there were 3 people on customer services off last week... so there was no staff wednesday, thursday or friday and yet they still 'couldnt afford' the overtime ?(


right anyways. the whole point in this thread is that i really gotta get a job, and the doctor said i should too. ive been ok with money and that so have just been hanging on, waiting for something i'd like. luckily, ive found 2 jobs to apply for and ive got the application form. (also heard of a few other jobs so am sending a letter and my CV off)


on the application form it says


please give details of your sickness absence from work during the last two years.


how do i explain that the doctor signed me off for a month without making it sound like im unreliable, (which im not, i only went off in the first place cos i was physically ill and could barely stand up :( ) or that im a psycho.

the sicknote the doctor gave me just said stress on it so they dont need to know anything more than that do they ?(


hope that makes sense X( typed it too quickly lol.

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yeh well ive got my absence details from last... year, maybe 2. work just gave me as far back as they went. i aint got a problem with being honest with em its just like i dont want it to seem as bad as what it is... im waiting for my manager to ring me back as she wants to see if i want to do 50% of my hours this week then ive got a weeks holiday and then go back to normal. Edited by Kirsty
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oh dear, tbh, I wouldnt employ you. I know it sounds harsh, but I wouldnt.


Stress or depression as so commonly used to get you out the doctors surgery now imo. X(


saying that, all you can do is put the truth down on the app. form. ?(

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well put it this way... i would probaly have answered 'most' of the questions the same as i would have done a year ago. so either its a load of bullshite or ive been 'depressed' for a long time ?(


personally i dont think im depressed ?( but he's given me prozac X( and said to go back in a month.


i think if i do stay at Tesco tho i will become depressed lol


they do have like an open day thing tonight at the hilton hotel in maidstone... 'where you can talk to the staff about the posistions available along with information and plans about the company.'


spose it would be a good idea to go... could ask them if they would hold it against me or something

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well put it this way... i would probaly have answered 'most' of the questions the same as i would have done a year ago. so either its a load of bullshite or ive been 'depressed' for a long time ?(


personally i dont think im depressed ?( but he's given me prozac X( and said to go back in a month.


i think if i do stay at Tesco tho i will become depressed lol


i'll get flamed for this, but i'd say stop taking the tablets right now, you're on a downward sprial imo...


pick yourself up, go back to work and or find another job. Finding another job could be the 'change' you need, sounds like you feel you're stuck in a rut.

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i had a similar thing when i was working at the pub...


i had to get out of there or id either explode and beat someone to a pulp or go mad...


luckily this job came along just as things were starting to get really bad..


id have to agree.... stay off the tablets... they only lead to dependancy....


quit your job and get temp work if necessary till something else comes along...

Edited by Woogie
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yeh i need another job. hence why im applying for a new one. the jobs perfect for me as well.


i was actually well shocked when he gave me the tablets. they are called something else and i looked em up on the internet and it says 'otherwise known as prozac'


i was like WTF i dont need prozac!!!!!!!!!




thing is... i REALLY cant afford to quit my job X( i have like a grand 'in case of emergencies' that i can get access too IF i need it. but i aint touching that cos knowing my luck id be made redundant or summat lol


tablets dont solve problems anyways. he said go see a counsellor but there aint nothing that id say to a counsellor that i cudnt say to one of my best mates ?( plus apparently theres a huuuuuge waiting list.

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stop taking them kirst.. doctors give out anti depressents for anything and i know from personal experience when i went to see a dr he asked a couple of questions and said here take these.. :rolleyes: i wasnt depressed i just wanted something to use again my company if need be (when i was suspended from work on trumped up charges from my ex boss a few yrs back, suffice to say im still here when it was all dropped and he left 2wks after i was asked to come back to work :roll: )
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Y ou want to try working for the NHS...


Its all gone down the pan, espicially at coventry and warwickshire hospitals, the new university hospital is a nightmare, takes half an hour to park, no one knows where anything is, neither do the porters or the staff...


They just changed the main switch over at Rugby to Coventry, so our portering phones gone, so we dont see the guy who issues the jobs ( im a porter ) we just hear him over the radio....


But everyones taken the attitude they dont want to work because the whole setup is a joke and run down, nothings done to plan, nothings done on time, nothings done properly everyones just working how they see fit, the main managers are off with stress, all the porters are working major overtime so most of us are tired and lazy most days of the week, but the overtime has it good points, done 120 hours in 10 days work... :drunk:

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