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Car window smaashed


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well last night i got my passenger side front window smashed into, but we have caught the lad who did it. not that it matters as the police dont do owt about it, we have had trouble with this lad before smashing windows out and slashing the car tires. This time if nothing gets done by the pigs i am gonna have to take action into my own hands. Teach that little SOB a lesson hell neva forget.
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last night he also smashed 2 other peoples windows out aswell including his grandads but it was the house window. He was took away last night in the police car and locked up he may be out today i dont know yet his mam and dad have told him neva to go back home apparently. He is 17/18 and when the police got him into the car he was crying his eyes out poor baby. He will be more than crying if i get a hold of him.
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Buy a big dog.

Leave the dog in the car every night and in the morning when you take it out of the car make sure its tied up and beat it with a stick so it associates getting out of the car with pain. Then when matey smashes the window the dog jumps out and bites him to death. j-d.




needless to say i have never had a pet :kill:

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