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Making it in the big bad world


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The big day is here, my house is sorted now and i am finally moving in this afternoon. To be honest im nervous haha, my gf is due with our first baby in 11 weeks and im really worrying how i can afford it all. I dont earn a bad wage usually close to £1600 a month after tax. Just looking for some advice an encourgment really, i still want to be able to save for a new car or a new bike, so im asking how have people who have been in the same situation as me managed to pay for all the bills but still have the stuff they want?


My girlfriend works two and will be paying her way but she wont be paying a huge amount cus she does not get a lot when she is on maternity leave...


:cheers: for any advice..

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well good luck,, its never easy but its definatly possible,, many thousands of folks manage daily,, me being one of them, lol


working tax credit is a godsend and the fact im a scummy council tenant( joking) but i still manage to save up and have the odd night out and regular takeaway,, when your child is born you will automatically make then the focus and you will notice a shift in prorities,, getting the toys you want will just take longer and probably not mean as much as you will see where you could have spent the money better else where,


hell ive been promising myself a new gaming pc for nearly 2 yrs,, and thats only 1400,, but im not bitter just spent it on other things

dont worry everyone adapts,, and becomes the family man they always laughed at ) and then realise it aint so bad after all,, looking after you and yours is a nice feeling,, even if you dont have the toys

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im in the same boat bud, we just cut back on luxurys and we manage to get out atleast once a month compared to before we was out every weekend, its time to grow up and be a boring house man for a while,

you just learn to cope with it


good luck hope all goes well for you and your new family :thumb:

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The big day is here, my house is sorted now and i am finally moving in this afternoon. To be honest im nervous haha, my gf is due with our first baby in 11 weeks and im really worrying how i can afford it all. I dont earn a bad wage usually close to £1600 a month after tax. Just looking for some advice an encourgment really, i still want to be able to save for a new car or a new bike, so im asking how have people who have been in the same situation as me managed to pay for all the bills but still have the stuff they want?


My girlfriend works two and will be paying her way but she wont be paying a huge amount cus she does not get a lot when she is on maternity leave...


:cheers: for any advice..



Ur kidding urself if u think this is going to happen. Make all ur direct debits go out the day after pay day (if u get paid religiously on the last working day etc) then u dont have to worry about companies taking money off of you on the 26th of the month, so then u only need to set aside money for weekly shops and what-have-you so the rest u could theoretically spend on a night out in the first week of the month or a new laptop etc...


You just have to be careful

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still have the stuff you want - only way I can say is I save up each month for something I want, at the moment im saving up for a 50" tv as im bored with my other one now :D


I come out with £1,200 a month and Kev vomes out with roughly £2000 so were pretty safe, as said, you just need to pace yourself & save.

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im the sole earner in my household and i see 1480 after deductions each month (my rent and council tax come out of my wage--RAF housing)


My wife doesnt work (full time mum) and we get a few quid a month from child benefit and child tax credit and we enjoy our life and have nice things but not as many as we'd like (id love a newer car and a decent hifi system but oh well)


One thing we do is put £60 into an ISA each month and once its a good amount we buy new stuff (just bought a table and chairs and new tumble dryer today actually)

Edited by Craig855S
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I tried adding it all up tell me what you think


Incoming 2k a month



rent £332

poll tax £100

gas/ leccy payg meter £60

sky £36

Other outgoing £185

food £200

total £915


Of course your going to have to allow for extras, so i dont think its to bad of a postition to be in. I think i can manage to save £50 a month without it affecting us. What are people's biggest saving tips and whats family life like lol? There are times when i think to myself i would like another fast car like a scooby or supra, but my biggest problem is that if i want something i want it there and then. But im hoping having a house and a family wil make me think that if i want something bad enough il save for it and appreciate it more.

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200 a month food is optimistic IMO,unless ur very strict going round tesco


Factor in baby stuff when shopping (nappies arent cheap,nor is formula milk and all the other bits)


Are u sorted for clothes and car seats,moses basket,pram etc?


Me,the wife and a 16 month old spend upwards of 70 a week on shopping (130 yesterday,i nearly shat myself,cant think what was in the trolley that was that out of the ordinary)

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aye,, the general expenses like food n fuel are what kill you in the long run,,

the best way to save is to have it set up as a direct debit into another account,, that way you dont even notice its gone it blends in with the other bills,,

i save just £40 a month but it eases the pressure alot as usually birthdays and xmass are all or mostly paid for from it

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I haven't got kids or anything, but I pull in about 1200 a month after tax etc has gone, and manage to run a 2 bed house on my own (shared ownership)....wouldn't say I go without, and to be honest it just makes me think how the fcuk did I spend all that money on Shite every month before I moved out...


Good luck with it though mate...

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