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Internet switching


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Not PC specific as it's more provider orientated.


When switching providers is it possible to overlap contracts so as to avoid any downtime.

I need to organise this at one of my offices but need zero downtime for staff working there?


Any re configuration of the routers that provide the services would be done remotely by me out of work hours but staff need to see no interuption as they return to their desks the following morning.


So I would need the current service still running while I configure a new router providing the new service so I can simply swap these on the line/socket providing the internet, this needs to be at max a 10-20 minute switch over. I also need to have the old service still running in case of the possibility of the new router/service needing tweeks?

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Run them from 3G temporarily during the switchover.

Is 3g realistic for an office of probably 40-50 computers & a server though?


Is that really necessary? I've switched providers twice and not noticed any downtime.


Swapping providers at home you can take such risks but this office cannot operate if downtime is introduced.

I can possibly allow a certain amount of time out if I can anounce it pre switch over if I know how long it may be?

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Run them from 3G temporarily during the switchover.

Is 3g realistic for an office of probably 40-50 computers & a server though?


Depends on what they're doing of course. You can limit peoples casual web browsing for a week and only let business stuff through.

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is internet (i'm assuming some sort of broadband) the only connection this office has? No WAN connections to other offices that you could utilise their internet connection from?


No! only this office in terms of connection. You did just give me a thought though as we have an IT company moving into a spare office over the next few weeks & I get on well with the manager there so could possibly ask him if we can utilise his connection during any downtime period.

e is having a new line installed independently.

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