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Ebay Problem

Lee R

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I sold my Chameleon phone on Ebay.


About 3 days after he'd got it, he e-mail me saying it was faulty and he was sending it back to me, wanting a complete refund.


At this point i said i'd have to see it first before I refunded, and if nessersary, take it back to the shop to get a report about it.



Anyway, i got it back this morning in perfect working order, but they'd pack it so tight in the box, a bit of phone had snapped off :vangry: :vangry:



I've e-mailed him back asking if it was insured when he posted it, as it's legally his item, and I would not refund now it's broken. I also informed him it's in perfect working order. He reckons it sounded crap and didn't move properly. It does. (It was perfect in every way when I sent it)



I havn't heard from him yet.


Whats my position on this.?????


I also said if he wanted it back, he'd have to send me the postage money first :P

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Here is the clause that they can get you on.


Where goods are delivered to the buyer, and he has not previously examined them, he is not deemed to have accepted them under subsection (1) above until he has had a reasonable opportunity of examining them for the purpose—

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Here is the clause that they can get you on.


Where goods are delivered to the buyer, and he has not previously examined them, he is not deemed to have accepted them under subsection (1) above until he has had a reasonable opportunity of examining them for the purpose—

ah, the old "Distance Selling" laws, not too hot on those, they still apply to web site auctions on 2nd hand goods???? i know it applies to retail shops on new goods but surely we talking a different kettle of fish????!

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should also apply boyo. :thumb:


I'd like to think that when I buy illegal porn from Amsterdam, I can send it back if it dont work properly.


They mentioned this in Business law the other week, but i could see Laura's knickers, so I wasn't really payin' attention. :(

you buy 2nd hand porn off the net??? ?( ?( ?(

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