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Body Or Beef


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What would you rather have in a car? Would you spend all your money on making the car look nice? OR would you spend all your money on making the car preform well?.


I know you are all going to say both but if you had to choose what would it be?


My vote is with beef, personally i like a wolf in sheeps clothing

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After my last car that looked Shite hot but only had around 100bhp I'd allways go for performance first, but did prefer looks first but it does your nut in when you keep gettin whupped.

Luckily this time I bought one that looked the business and I'm spending everything on performance.


If I had to choose one over the other it'd deffo be performance.

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looks. deffinatly. when i first saw this car and its potential it didnt matter if it had a 1.0 litre lump or a 1.8 litre lump. luckily it had a 1.8 engine. i opted to keep it looking like a wolf in sheeps clothing but at the same time tweek it here n there ! lol

look out for some new pics soon ! :D

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Ow it has to be a nice body, i would quite happily have a car with "not stunning" preformance, and an attractive body, something like a 2.0 Focus for example, and lets face facts, you don't go out and buy a car if you don't like the looks of it, now do you?
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