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I want pussy!!


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got ya attention :cheers: :innocent: :pancake:


Well - Nikkis wanting to get a Kitten, but i want a Puppy (more loyal and fun), but alass its cruel for me to have a puppy as she works 8-5:30 mon-fri and my shifts are all over. so looks like a kitten it is - now. the problems i have with cats are;


1. they are unloyal little shits - you call a dog over with your voice and he'll pop straight over...... a cat will just look it you - if your lucky.

2. molting - i've not long overcome my near-OCD of cleaning and having cat hair all overis SERIOUSLY going to work me up - i've already banned any pet we get from the kitchen benches, AJs room and our room.

3. they're boring.


now..... questions i've got


1. recommended scratch towers? for practical reasons not cosmetic.

2. which breeds molt the least?

3. is the dyson hoover i've heard of really up to the job its bigged up to be??


she's lay asleep next to me and she doesn't know i'm getting one for her - but now it's deciding what kind....shes just moved in and her parents had a black/white male nothing special and she'd be happy with that........ but i've had a look around google images and quite liking the looks of the following.... could those cat lovers out there give their opinions on the following for a semi-house cat LOL


1. Siamese



2. British Short hair



3. Egyptian Mau



4,,,,, ah fook it. i'm getting tired lol opionions/facts all welcome because i'm being baffled by GCCF registered, innoculations, 'CAN SEE PARENTS' why?, wormed ETC ETC what do i need to be looking for/asking for aswell as steering clear of - i'll not be having a moggy. it'll be a breed. but do cats come with family history like dogs IE traceable?


long winded i know lol

and probs bouncing around subjects... but fire away ha


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got 3 cats at the mo, had had 6 in total,, mrs has had countless.


first of all, DO NOT touch a siamese cat if you ever want to touch your missus again! they are protective of what they love, better than guard dogs! they have been known to chase the other half away from their home!!


Secondly, ALWAYS see the parents where possible (at least the mom). A BSH can be good for grooming, but obviously all cats moult, except naked ones and they just damn right ugly! always check the kittens eyes, make sure theyre clear and bright. No signs of lathergy, and plays well with no limps etc.


If you can get one thats papered, proves that there is no inbreeding so less chance of aggression.


i have always wanted a silver tabby british short hair:






try to avoid long haired cats, even admittedly, their moulting isnt as harsh as a short haired, they take alot of grooming




Moggies can be just as nice, have three and have the best temperments.


need any other advice just shout :thumb:

Edited by dutchkev
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sorry BSH - britsh short hair.


That picture you have up is a Blue breed. can be nice, not my cup of tea as fur can be very thick, but soft. there is all sorts of colours to the BSH, cream, black etc


if youre not entirely sure what you want, look at several litters to be happy with your choice

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had a BSH years ago...

I dont like cats but loved him lol

fiercly independant yet soft as a brush and affectionate as well....

was a weird cat but if he was a norm in BSHs then Id say get one....


Siamese imo opinion or noisy posessive and downright weird.....

my sister had two and they just owned the house and destroyed anything they didnt like :s

Not a cat you leave alone while you go out for the day......

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my sister has a long haired cat. Think its a long haired calico? Anyway its a little fuckface. It has to be center of attention and is hostile as fcuk, its not agressive at all. Infact its never attacked, on the other hand my uncle had a bsh and he was really friendly
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Cats can be just as loyal as dogs IMO.


My missus and I have a kitten, she's around 8 months now, and she is really affectionate. Sleeps on the bed every night, follows you around, comes over if you call her, and wants to be with you all the time, she is very very affectionate, she's more like a dog to be honest!

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