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Hamilton Disqualified


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reading this bit..


Their verdict was that "Hamilton and... McLaren Mercedes acted in a manner prejudicial to the conduct of the event by providing evidence deliberately misleading to the stewards at the hearing on Sunday."


if thats true then the team and hamilton deserve to lose their points

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The FIA stewards seriously need to get a grip or we'll have another year of politics over racing. They are provided with all radio transmissions throughout the weekend, and will have reviewed them before this came to light so why didn't they act on Sunday? Not that this will effect Hamilton for Malaysia of course...
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Oh for fucks sake!!


I'd like to know how "Hamilton and... McLaren Mercedes acted in a manner prejudicial to the conduct of the event by providing evidence deliberately misleading to the stewards at the hearing on Sunday."


IF Lewis didnt tell the stewards that trulli fell off the track and thats why he passed him then maybe he deserves to be done...but....but...i have no idea how the stewards are unaware of what happened..why did they even need to interview lewis when they have cameras all over the track,along with the live radio evidence

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Stewards are tossers, simple as they have so many cameras yet they still have to interview people, hamilton is probably the best driver to date because he shows no fear, aggression and confidence just to shrug it off, hamilton will only get stronger and better and will prove critics wrong when he wins the title again
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The stewards decision was right, but the situation was poorly handled again.


First of all when Trulli retook Hamilton, the telemetry boards would all have SC flashing on them (safety car,) so looking at the changed positions on the screen surely common sense would show that he overtook under the safety car.


Secondly, the FIA would have monitored the radio transmissions between the pitwall and drivers, a decision should have been made after the race and the FIA should have stuck with it, considering both teams dropped their appeals. Anyway you live and learn...

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I want to know what the transmissions between Hamilton and McLaren actually were so I and everyone else can make our minds up rather than just accepting what the stewards say (not that we can over rule it! :vangry: )




full radio transmission is halfway down the page.


no doubt mclaren were in the wrong. suspending their sporting director shows they blatantly knew what they were doing.

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i dont understand. Hamilton told the stewards that Maclaren had NOT told him to let Trulli through, but he did actually let him pass to fall back into 3rd place, so what is the problem? what difference does it make whether Mclaren told him to do it or not, especially as its now been proven that they DID tell him to let Trulli back into 3rd??
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