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Benefit / Welfare Reform


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I was just taking a look at Facebook at work, and I see a few people are watching Jeremy Kyle.. it seems he's just suggested that people on benefits should be given food vouchers instead of money.


This is something I'm STRONGLY in favour of, and I know people on here have mentioned it before.


Is it about time the overhaul of the benefits system means that people (who ARE capable of working) are given vouchers for food and NECESSITIES, rather than the facility to buy holidays, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs?! Obviously this would have to be monitored, and "fraud proof" etc, but it seems like a logical step in the right direction to get people in to work.



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It's an idea, I'd like to see them given "credit cards" that are credited with £xx a week to be spent purely in food retailers, which would be easy to implement for the likes of tesco, but for small retailers it might be too much to ask to get the till to accept or reject a customer based on the card they offer up. And thats where it will fall down, cos the chimps will all claim they buy their food from the market, or small time shops that dont take cards etc. You wont be able to force the credit card system on them in this PC world we live in, although i think if you take the states money then you lose the ability to object to rules
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I was just taking a look at Facebook at work, and I see a few people are watching Jeremy Kyle.. it seems he's just suggested that people on benefits should be given food vouchers instead of money.


This is something I'm STRONGLY in favour of, and I know people on here have mentioned it before.


Is it about time the overhaul of the benefits system means that people (who ARE capable of working) are given vouchers for food and NECESSITIES, rather than the facility to buy holidays, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs?! Obviously this would have to be monitored, and "fraud proof" etc, but it seems like a logical step in the right direction to get people in to work.




spot spot spot on.


been saying it foe years!!!


It'l' never happen, no government will ever have the balls to do it.


Think i've mentioned before, a friend of mine does my identical job, 2 days a week (HIS CHOICE) as opposed to my full time 5 days a week. Because he lives in a council house (again, HIS CHOICE, gave up his mortgaged home), and has 4 kids, he recieves more money a month than me. :nutter:

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Great topic this, not only vouchers for food but replace the cold weather payments with some sort of voucher system. Being a postman i've seen people excited about getting their cold weather payment letters, now call me boring but i dont get excited about paying my gas and electric bill i'll leave you to make your own minds up about what their using these payments for. :vangry:
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Sadly - dont think anything will change - remember this is a country that rewards and encourages fecklessness,had to laugh when I read that a proposal to lace methadone with contaception was shot down as it was morally wrong - this might have been an urban myth but even if it wasnt - thats the way this country is depressingly.



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The welfare state is a great idea and one to be applauded,however it has thad the a@se ripped out of it where it is now a lifestyle choice,with three generations in some case never worked. My dad worked all his days and could only sign for a few months on job seekers before it was reduced - but someone who has left school,been made "homeless"-gets a flat or house,knocks someone upand then sits on their backside all day?WTF?


My town is full of them - and sure you good people are the same. If the Welfare Reforms had been along the lines of :


1.That guy with the undisclosed illnes but always down the pub with plenty of beer money? Targeting you


2.Mr Cash in Hand but still claiming money? Targeting you


3.4 kids 4 dads but still got plenty of money for the dancing,salons,iphones and all the designer gear? Targeting you


(Incidentally if you wanted to crack down on that - how about the social paid nothing - and the family of the girl had to support her, and the family of the guy who knocked her up?Call me cynical but Im sure that would have an effect)



Im sure this is painting a complicated picture with some pretty broad strokes but hey ho.



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