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Android Phones vs iPoo vs BB10


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Currently an ambivalent (happy but disgruntled) blackberry user, had a few bolds now currently a 9900. Its upgrade time in a month;


Things I like:

  • I like app availability for iPhones
  • iPhone build quality
  • I like the polished feel of iOS software
  • I love blackberry's email service
  • QWERTY Keyboard on blackberry bold models is awesome
  • Hardware performance


Things I don't like


  • The size of the galaxy S3 (too big)
  • typing on a touch screen
  • Blackberry's lack of some otherwise common apps
  • Blackberry's non existant gaming platform
  • Apple: pricing system / company / image / everything about it


So it looks like android is the way forward as I doubt BB10 will be a "game changer" or anything better in terms of app offer. I nearly upgraded to the iPhone 5 after my phone man persuaded me but they were out of stock and then when they'd come back in stock the trade in value of my current 9900 had halved making it not a financially good idea.


Also of note is that I will soon have 7" Android tablet so it doesn't need to be huge


so advice, help, suggestions, rambling, pointless shawdreamer / AHmotorsport comments welcom

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If you can afford an iPhone 5 and stomach the cost then its the way to go.

Overpriced? of course they are.

Same on the tablet front, iPad Mini all the way, love mine and unlike Android tablets they are supported by the developers far better.

Be aware that 7" Android tablets are rarely more than phone apps blown up to fit the screen.

IPad apps on the other hand are developed for larger screens.


Having used both operating systems I lean strongly towards the iOs , smooth stable and reliable.

Android has come a hell of a long way and gives a lovely lower cost alternative to IOS but anyone who claims it equals or betters IOS is fooling themselves.


I personally found ICS Android a very pleasant experience but not really in the same league as IOS.

I also felt that as Android develops also the hardware has to grow and increase with it, with IOS this is further from the case.

As newer more advanced apps arrive for Apple devices I find it comforting that they run great on old & new devices.


Developers will always lean towards the most popular device and at the time of writing Android is always playing second fiddle which is a shame and something Google is constantly asking them to change their ways concerning developing apps specifically to embrace tablets instead of blowing up phone apps.

Another issue for the tablet side is that Android really isn't suited to tablets (again more like a blown up phone OS)


I suppose I should include a little about Windows 8 and Blackberry.


Views on Blackberry are that it's too little too late, pinning big hopes on the bb10 and playbook will fail as it fades into the background and becomes a hardly supported platform.


The Nokia take on the whole scene is a nice fresh new look and in theory I like it.

Nokia will pin their hopes on becoming the front runner in the mobile market once again by teaming up with Microsoft.

Unfortunately again I feel it is again too little too late and the frustration from users seeing Android and IOS get all the goodies and feeling left behind as their nice bright colorful devices become little more than phones capable of calls texts, internet, email and the odd nice app.


You may jump in and say "but they are phones after all" but in this day and age we all know we expect much more from our phones as they become a mobile part of our online experience.


This is without touching on the pure quality of build placed into Apple devices, pick an iPad mini up then pick up a Nexus 7 and you clearly see where a chunk of your money has gone as you hold stupidly slim aluminium shell carefully crafted next to plastic molded around a screen with a large bezel.


Apple fanboy? Not a chance

Fashion slave? Not even close.

I am a realist that understands what I need in an all in one device that serves purpose with stability and allows future development without the need for upgrading the hardware.

Edited by PeeWee
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I 'dont like' Apple, yes over priced, dark but clever marketing, fashionable items and millions of other things to moan about which is why I boycotted the iphone and went a different route 3-4 years ago. For the record the iphone 3rd generation is an awful looking ugly phone so I wasnt interested anyway.


Then came the iphone 4, still not interested due first points I made but then I used a friends and played about with it, took about 5 seconds to realise that there isnt anything better, beautiful design and yes 'better' can be defined by so many things but when it comes to 'feel' 'quality' 'design' and such it wins hands down. So I bought one, I didnt feel marketed into it nor did I get one cause anyone else had one, I got one because it was the best. I had it for 2 whole years and replaced it with an iphone 5 in september as my contract was up. Being that the phone was 2 years old it still didnt look, feel or perform like an old phone, iOS is possibly the greatest piece of software I have ever come across and for those who care the iphone 5 out benchmarked the S3 anyway.


What you gotto remember about Android is that it is like Microsoft Windows, software that has to take into account millions upon millions of hardware combinations and therefore will never be a efficient (like me new focus omg) as software designed for a smaller hardware set.


The iphone 5 and the iOS make it the decision to make regardless of how you feel about the company, dont forget that Mr Ford wasnt a nice man was he yet we love his cars.


Still waiting for the jailbreak god dammit, hopefully soon.

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so advice, help, suggestions, rambling, pointless shawdreamer / AHmotorsport comments welcom


You've just got a shitter on because I called your car a pram ain't ya.

Edited by shawdreamer
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personally Im solidly sat in the Android camp as it generally suits my needs and tastes to a far greater extent than BB's or IP's.


summarized reasons...


Blackberry's are plain shite ugly and much much to big and bulky looking in general (they lose my vote on cosmetics alone)


Iphones are to restrictive even when jailbroken (granted when jailbroken you have a wider choice of apps available but even then the choice is still tiny in comparison to its android rivals.... plus I don't care what anyone says 99.999999% of people who buy them do so entirely for the name and not for its capabilities, build quality, etc.... gimmicksheep in other words)


Androids have a immense choice of apps to suit any need and the android OS is just a lot more flexible in regards to setting your mobile up how YOU like it and not how your ALLOWED to, also the size of support base in terms of forums and developers still surprises me today, especially in terms of custom roms and the time and effort the go's into developing them even though they are released for free almost daily..... Even without taking the rooting and custom Roms route the massive selection of quality apps available through the multiple free markets is just a hands down winner in my opinion.


It may seem like Im playing the Anti-Pete card here but I genuinely think PeeWee might actually be one of the tiny minority of Iphone users thats actually bought the thing because it suits his needs and he will actually use it atleast to a higher degree of its capabilities than your average bloke in the pub who thinks flashing it about constantly will get him a suck.


Ps Pete.


Be aware that 7" Android tablets are rarely more than phone apps blown up to fit the screen.


though that does appear the case for the majority you only have to look a little harder to find those app gems that are tailored for android pads (GoLauncherHD is a good example of a app/launcher created solely for Tablets) and tbf you have to admit, many of those apps that you mentioned that are little more than blown up phone apps are perfectly fine to be just that as they often function just as effectively on a phone and tablet (Elixer2 is a pretty decent example of such and I use it on my phone, my sons, the ball and chains and my tablet without any notable loss of quality throughout)


<checks the egg timer he put next to the keyboard before starting>


dammit Im 7 seconds from hitting "rambling" level!!!!


Im out!

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You can still get the iPhone 4 brand new on contract if you only need a cheap tariff. If Peewee is right and its still a viable handset in 2012 (unlike my missuses old 3G) then maybe get it. However if you need the kind of tariff that costs a large wedge then you may aswell take advantage of the free top of the range handsets you can get with it.


Currently debating repacing the missuses ZTE blade with something (probably an ip4 or S2 or lowish spec xperia)

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You can still get the iPhone 4 brand new on contract if you only need a cheap tariff. If Peewee is right and its still a viable handset in 2012 (unlike my missuses old 3G) then maybe get it. However if you need the kind of tariff that costs a large wedge then you may aswell take advantage of the free top of the range handsets you can get with it.


Currently debating repacing the missuses ZTE blade with something (probably an ip4 or S2 or lowish spec xperia)


I just replaced My Blade with the newer model of the same name..........if It ain't broke don't fix it. :pancake:


Good little android phone once their rooted and romm'ed (Id heartily recommend Cyanogenmod7 rom with ZTE's, they just seem to get along so dam well) course that also means you can bin all the shitloads of Orange bloatware that has a horrendous habit of eating resources and slowing the handset down terribly. :vangry:

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>> I'm not against a touch screen per say...


how ever i refuse to go mac, so I'm using windows; as such i refuse to have iTunes on my pcs its a POS. If i get a 4s it will be out of date before I'm halfway through my contract due to apples greed. Then I've got windows pc's an android tab an android phone seems to be the way to go?


although having said that news today on bb10 makes it look pretty good :/

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