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Live you life well

Scuba Matt

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Hi guys well I hate to be one to bring the mood down side on the board for a second time but i feel it's always good to share with good people and i just wanted to say live your life well and be careful especially when having fun as life is precious and can be taken away in an instant.


As a lot of you know I work on a cruise ship with 880 crew members but we all become a big family we eat , work play together can't help to become close friends. Last night we had a crew party and one of our guys opened a saftey escape route by mistake when drunk and then stepped in and fell down an emergency escape hatch and broke his neck.. 26 ,3 kids and a wife. ;(


again for the second time I post about an accident just be careful guys we are not indestructable


Thanks for listening just wanted to share


Party hard but be safe :thumb:

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