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:( After thinking i had finally found that some 1 special I get a bloody text message saying that she wasn't ready for a relationship. This was yesturday at about 4pm we had been out friday night and every thing was fine.


I dont know what has happened and she say she dont want to talk just yet i feel like she has ripped my heart out and stamped on it ;( , did the stupid thing of going out last night and went out and got absalutly plastered. :drunk:


Im sorry about all this i just need to let it out i got a bit frustrated and decided to take some of the pain out on the garage door




At least after this i fell a wee bit better

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Wow, she was mature enough and cared about you enough to do it all through a text message. What a woman.


This is the same way my last relationship ended and I really had to ask myself if months of dating and three years of friendship could be ended in a text message, is she someone worth missing? I think not..


its harsh, but you'll move on, matey :thumb:


Get gone out with the lads.. they'll sort you out

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When I used to care about women, I got treated like shite and was just basicly used and abused for money and car.


One day, I was pushed too far and decided not to give a shite anymore. I treated women as objects and playthings. Ive been happy ever since.


Dont know why but women prefer it that way I have found, now I have a gorgeous girlfriend who would do absolutely anything for me, and she needs little maintainence. She dont muck me abotu or nothing. Whats worst of all, is that she rocks and I treat her like shite pretty much.


Seems a shame I wasted all the care and that on girl's who didnt deserve it.


Just keep ya head up dude, and remember, they are objects for getting your jollies off. Ive been in a relationship now for over a year, and I'd give anything to be single again :roll:

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When I used to care about women, I got treated like shite and was just basicly used and abused for money and car.


One day, I was pushed too far and decided not to give a shite anymore. I treated women as objects and playthings. Ive been happy ever since.


Dont know why but women prefer it that way I have found, now I have a gorgeous girlfriend who would do absolutely anything for me, and she needs little maintainence. She dont muck me abotu or nothing. Whats worst of all, is that she rocks and I treat her like shite pretty much.


Seems a shame I wasted all the care and that on girl's who didnt deserve it.


Just keep ya head up dude, and remember, they are objects for getting your jollies off. Ive been in a relationship now for over a year, and I'd give anything to be single again  :roll:


I've always 'respected' mine.We've now been married for 15 years. ;)

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think we'v all been in the same situation m8


i was finished after 3 years, lads took me to blackpool then manchester+ essex, came back fanny hungry


jst get ya leg over left right and centre, felt beta for me anyway



:roll: fanny hungry pmsl!!!!!


thats just a bitch doing it by text! i now its hard to do it, been there done that, but its gotta b done face to face

Edited by Kirsty
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i know what u feel. but she liked my best mate. didnt get a text message thou, thats just harsh of her to do that.




I had that with the last g/f


I having some shite relationships at the moment



this was last weekend. found out she just flirts with everyone.

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