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Life's a Bitch and Then you Die


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god damn this place!!! I am having the worst 2 weeks of my life!!!


My Missus of 1 and a half years Dumped me ;( (we were best friends for like 6 years, so we are staying mates)


My college report came and said I was gonna get a D and that my attnedance was only 60% (prop true lol)


And now my parents are making me pay £20 a month house keeping!!!




Furry wanna gimmie some luck damnit? :nutter: :upyours: :vangry:

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And now my parents are making me pay £20 a month house keeping!!!


I have to pay £155 a month to my parents mate! Count yourself very very lucky :vangry:


My college report came and said I was gonna get a D and that my attnedance was only 60%


Fcukin LAZY ARSED students! Cant even be bothered to turn up 40% of the time! Try workin 50 hours a week mate! :vangry:


I am having the worst 2 weeks of my life!!!


If THIS is your worst two weeks out of EIGHTEEN YEARS then you must have had the most privaledged perfect life ever! :vangry:


My Missus of 1 and a half years Dumped me


?( Hows that feel then?



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250£ a month rent for me :(


150£ car loan


50£ average Mobile phone bill


30£ internet connection


40£ Sky Digi


15£ Car Tax


112£ Insurance


£££'s Petrol


Gawd i guess thats where all my money goes, never really thought about it all together...


... Note to self :- Need more money ...

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Whoa Jordan calm down! Christ.


The whole college thing is cus im quitting to do a modern apprentiship. The 20 a week for me rents, well thats gay cus i have to give them a 1/4 of my months wages. Besides that Im just pissed off. I need a car damnit only a month or so hopefully, if all goes well.

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250£ a month rent for me :(


150£ car loan


50£ average Mobile phone bill


30£ internet connection


40£ Sky Digi


15£ Car Tax


112£ Insurance


£££'s Petrol


Gawd i guess thats where all my money goes, never really thought about it all together...


... Note to self :- Need more money ...

Count your self lucky Jon mate, that sounds like heaven to me.......


;( ;(

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