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Woolworths Warranty?


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Right, I bought a 32" LCD TV from Woolies about 10 months ago now (and it was a cheap-ish one), and now there's this humming noise from the speakers. If I put the volume at zero then the humming goes away, but even at 1 bar the humming noise comes on!


So the only way I can watch the TV is by using external speakers :blink:


Anyway, I was wondering if you guys knew anything about the warranties on thess products, or if indeed Woolies give one with their electronic goods. Looking at their website it just has information about their online shopping stuff.


I've just looked at the receipt and it says on the back that they give refunds and exchanges on faulty goods within 28 days.


But surely on things like TV's and other electronic items there would be a 12 month warranty? Or am I stuck with a duff TV?

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I worked in a dept. store for a while, your best option is go into the store you bought it from, tell them the problem, ask them for warranty details (either they're own or the tele's company) and go from there.


Generally, if you kick up a fuss when you hear something that you don't like, you'll get somewhere. Shouldn't be this way but it is unfortunately. Customer always wins remember...

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They are legally obliged to attempt repair, or to replace or refund if repairs prove impossible, within 12 months from date of sale without exception.


Your first port of call is therefore Woolies themselves.


The bad news is that the seller is not obliged to provide you with a temporary telly while yours undergoes repair.




Even if it the telly was older than 12 months, you have certain statutory rights in English law that say the goods have to be "fit for purpose".


In simple terms, a product like a TV should last somewhat longer than this (think how long your oldest never-repaired telly has been working for, as reasonable comparison!), and it is generally accepted that this "reasonable period" can be as much as 6 years.


If the goods fail within 6 years, you can seek a contribution towards repair costs from the vendor (Woolies in this case) on hte basis that the goods were not "fit for purpose" (although they will try very hard to get out of it!)


Fortunately we have Trading Standards on the customers side, and you can ask them to intervene if you feel you have a strong case, and the seller won't budge.



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They are legally obliged to attempt repair, or to replace or refund if repairs prove impossible, within 12 months from date of sale without exception.


Your first port of call is therefore Woolies themselves.


The bad news is that the seller is not obliged to provide you with a temporary telly while yours undergoes repair.




Even if it the telly was older than 12 months, you have certain statutory rights in English law that say the goods have to be "fit for purpose".


In simple terms, a product like a TV should last somewhat longer than this (think how long your oldest never-repaired telly has been working for, as reasonable comparison!), and it is generally accepted that this "reasonable period" can be as much as 6 years.


If the goods fail within 6 years, you can seek a contribution towards repair costs from the vendor (Woolies in this case) on hte basis that the goods were not "fit for purpose" (although they will try very hard to get out of it!)


Fortunately we have Trading Standards on the customers side, and you can ask them to intervene if you feel you have a strong case, and the seller won't budge.




spot on carl


i reccomend taking the tv back boxed explaining the problem ask for a replacement or a refund... you are entitled to this

(this assumes you have the box and the tv itself)


if this fails accept a repair, but insist they organise this - they might be mroe willing to give you a refund then


what the retailer wants is you to leave the store and arrange the repair yourself with the manufacturer - which is frankley crap for you so push for a refund

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Thanks a lot for your help guys - it's really appreciated :thumb:


After telling me to call a technical support line and going through different settings on the TV (which I had already done) they seemed to accept it was faulty, so I'm taking it back tomorrow to the store I bought it from and they're going to get it repaired for me.


Looks like it's the radio for me for a while then! :D

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Im a retail manager, and cargy has it very much spot on. But a word of advice, dont go in there being rude or funny. You will get nowhere.


I had an elderly customer who purchased an extractor fan from us and it had a MANUFACTURERS warranty of 3 years. The unit was 27 months old. We are only obliged to do anything up to 12 months. Yet due to the nature of the fault, i changed it at the STORES cost. For a brand new unit, there and then. They were polite and not rude and i helped them.


Ive had others who come in swearing at me, and ive simply BANNED them from the shop.


At the end of the day, the retailer has the power to do quite a bit........... Or very little.


I bear the brunt of rudeness on a daily basis, especially funny when people come in shouting the odds and 'trading standards says' at me.


If you struggle to get what you want, don't be rude or anything, just ask for their customer services telephone number. They will listen.

Edited by dansGTI
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Ive had others who come in swearing at me, and ive simply BANNED them from the shop.


I bear the brunt of rudeness on a daily basis, especially funny when people come in shouting the odds and 'trading standards says' at me.


I miss retail :(


It has its ups, and its downs. But what people forget is you are human and have a job to do (even if you dont like the rules set by the company, you have to stick to them)


What i do now is a breeze compared to my old Superdrug store with a Pharmacy that dispenses methadone.......................... Now that can be bloody frightening if you clash with the wrong person.

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Ive had others who come in swearing at me, and ive simply BANNED them from the shop.

I bear the brunt of rudeness on a daily basis, especially funny when people come in shouting the odds and 'trading standards says' at me.

I miss retail :(

It has its ups, and its downs. But what people forget is you are human and have a job to do (even if you dont like the rules set by the company, you have to stick to them)

What i do now is a breeze compared to my old Superdrug store with a Pharmacy that dispenses methadone.......................... Now that can be bloody frightening if you clash with the wrong person.

Thats what i liked about a DIY shop. everything is a potential self defence tool. :pancake:

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