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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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You unlocked any of the others, Aaron? I've only used the Intervention properly (never liked the 50. cal)



intervention recoil is to aggressive and forces large pauses between shots, annoys me having to constantrly re-allign for rapid shots.


the barrett's got less recoil and faster rate of fire and you only really need the interventions better stopping power if your more of a body shot sniper as appose to one shot kill headshots.


the WA2000 is a better trade off of the two as it has both the interventions stopping power but the Barretts rate of fire and lesser recoil plus due to its smaller scale its less visable when your hidden away in your favourite sniping spot, Ive allways found the role of anti-sniping made easier when the other sides sniper is using a barrett or intervention as the barrel juts out like a telephone pole.


If your only just starting your sniper weapons Aaron and have unlocked the "one man army" perk Id suggest you equip it to your preffered assault weapon and sniper weapon of choice as that way while your learning your way with the sniper rifle you wont find yourself getting hunted down everytime you fire it and then not being able to fire back with anything but your secondary.


my sniping tips are as such,


1, Once youve fired (unsilenced) never remain in the same spot more than 10sec's afterwards as Ill garantee if your apponents are wise to it once they hear a obvious sniper shot and see your orange little dot appear on the map (thats assuming you dont have "ninja pro") they'll make a beeline for your location.


2, Take your time with your initial shot, aim for the head, one shot kills limit your exposure and taking a second shot to kill one target will give them a chance to pinpoint you speck for when they respawn.


3, If you have the "cold blooded" perk when using it dont allways step right upto windows as even with the cold blooded perk a thermal scope can pick you out from the background due to the outside light shining on you, step back from the window to allow the darkness of a room to better conceal you (Underpass is a good example of where this technique is beneficial)


4, No matter how tempted you are to use "the good sniping positions" avoid them like the plague.... every fecker knows where they are, instead choose something out the ordinary, EVEN if it seems unusually more exposed than the "good ones" (try standing ontop of fences on the Rundown map, you'll be suprised how easy you are to miss on them specially if its near a established snipe spot as you'll find that your opponent will more often than not automatically look at that point rather than checking less ordinary spot)


5, have two setups with the "one man army" perk, one setup for your sniper rifle, the other for your preffered weapon, the perk allows you to freely swap between the two setups at any given time and not just limited by "respawning choice"


6, If you have a speck your happy with and wish to stay for a while try to avoid moving to greatly or rapidly as no matter how well your hidden a sudden movement can give you away easily (that includes repeatedly looking through your scope and dropping it)


7, if your team is close by and spreading out from your location (likely if your set up in a snipe position and their respawning near you) try and keep an eye on their locator indicators on your map as its a dead give away which direction your apponent is coming from when one of your team mates vanishes and you can either reposition to avoid contact with their killer or to get a better angle for a shot on their killer when they continue to move in the same direction toward your locaton.


8, silenced weapons do not nor never have made your location undetectable from a distance, Ive caught out many a enemy sniper by waiting for them to fire their own (silenced or not) sniper rifle then simple tracking back along the lines of their tracer rounds and poppped a hole through their bonces.


.....If any more things come to mind Ill add them later lol, but those 8 should give you a tad of a unfair advantage :pancake:

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I only ever used the bolt-action sniper rifles on COD4, but as the maps were a lot smaller, you could run around with a sniper rifle like it was an smg. I find that you have to hold down a position a bit longer and pick your shots more in MW2.. more like ACTUAL sniping. I guess thats how it should be.


My only tip to add on to shawdreamer's above, is use a handgun as your secondary weapon. (ie, the Magnum, Deagle). Why? You can switch to it a LOT faster than you can the shotgun or machine pistol.

Edited by Brown
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I only ever used the bolt-action sniper rifles on COD4, but as the maps were a lot smaller, you could run around with a sniper rifle like it was an smg. I find that you have to hold down a position a bit longer and pick your shots more in MW2.. more like ACTUAL sniping. I guess thats how it should be.


My only tip to add on to shawdreamer's above, is use a handgun as your secondary weapon. (ie, the Magnum, Deagle). Why? You can switch to it a LOT faster than you can the shotgun or machine pistol.



hmmm...me personally I avoid using the handguns, too limited ammo and wiildly inaccurate at anything but close range, not to mention feckin loud, if you must have a secondary weapon Id suggest the machine pistols and more specifically the PS2000 (sp), if you have a "Akimbo" perk and the "Bling pro" perk Id equip the pistols with silencers and fmj or extended mags.....you'd be suprised how much damage you can do with a pair of these with this setup (Ive actually used just these before now instead of my main weapon, very handy if you can sneak up behind a bunch of enemies and dont wish to alert them or risk a knife attack) :thumb:


oh and....


9, If youve found yourself a nice spot and managed to pick off some easy kills remember how youd react if you was the victom, chances are you'd head back to were you were shot knowing that an enemy was close by but thinking you were better prepared for them now, you'd approach more wearily and maybe at a better angle that provides better cover wouldn't you? Its at this point as the sniper you'd have took initial kills, thought about how you'd react then repositioned accordingly.....you'd be shocked how easy a technique this is specially when your victom tends to get narked and repeatedly attempts to flank you, just reposition slightly everytime while maintaining your angle of fire.

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Who is / isn't going to Prestige?



as Im more a player than a career addict on it I honestly dont see any use for "prestige" for me.....Ill just carry on doing that oddity type gaming approach.....play the game :unsure:

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Still undecided.. I'm at level 65 now, but I will probably not be able to resist the urge.. not to mention, all the guns and perks I like are available below level 30 anyway, so easy enough to get back



cant be arsed with it much anymore myself.


200 odd points off 70 and all I have to look forward to is the total anticlimaxing AK47 with its terrible recoil, awful range, exagerated muzzle flash and shiit stopping power :rolleyes:

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